The Sweatshop rolls on

Event Date

Nov 08, 2018

Also in attendance: STP, The Duke, and the Davidson version of Mayhem.. 


Standard warmup + some

murican to mountain climbers 12 x IC each

6 Bam bams

Moroccan Nightclubs 25 x IC

Run to Football stadium and circle up on track.

AMRAP burpees for 1 minute

Partner Up for Quadrafilia round the track (1 of 2 partners running backward at all times)

Calf raises – both legs 12x IC, left leg 12x IC, right leg 12x IC

Bear crawl around track

Partner Carry halfway around track

line up for 100m run at 80%

mosey down to pullup bars

15 pullups, 15 dips

10 pullups, 10 dips

line up for lung walk across parking lot, then quadrafilia up the hill back to track

Sprint up and down stadium stairs as fast as possible, 1 section

20 burpees

run back to Green for Mary

Jane Fonda 20x IC each leg

Recover Recover



– Multiple new exercises thrown in for the Sweatshop Pax and they let me know it. Davidson is not a fan of change, if you don't know, now you know

– Tclaps to Flatley who is getting married this weekend and brought an FNG (Nolan) who is in town for the wedding.

– We got to send Flatley off in style for his wedding with some post workout drinks at Summit. Wishing you and Meighan the best

– Great to have Duvall and Grouch show up after the workout for 2nd F at Summit

– Thanks for squeezing me on the calendar Hipster, an honor to Q at the Sweatshop. Tough for me to make these days, but still one of my favorite workouts

– Two years has gone by but I still remember my first few workouts and how awful they were. Thanks Ramrod, and Grouch / Flatley for the name and all the Sweatshoppers for teaching me about F3 and helping me grow