The Sweaty Gladiator

11 PAX showed up for a hot and steamy beatdown at the #Gladiator.


-Mosey to Block Shed 

-SSH x 25

-ISP x 15

-Long Snapper x 15

-Slow Windmill x 15 

-Hill Billie x 15 

The Thang – Phase I 

Grab a Block 

-Block Curls x 20 – run to the first island Mercans x 10 – back to blocks 

-Block Presses x 15 – run to the first island Mercans x 10 – back to blocks 

-Block Skull Crushers x 15 – run to the first island Mercans x 10 – back to blocks 

-Block Lawnmower L  Crushers x 15 – run to the first island Mercans x 10 – back to blocks 

-Block Lawnmower R  Crushers x 15 – run to the first island Mercans x 10 – back to blocks 

Blocks Up 

The Thang – Phase II

-Mosey to Wall 


-Seal Claps x 15

-Presses x 15

-Praying Mantis x 15

-Mohamed Ali x 15 

-Balls to the Wall (for Toxic)   

The Thang – Phase III

-Mosey to Dumpster Hill (careful of garbage truck) 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 7 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 6 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 5 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 4- run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 3 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 2 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

– Run to top of hill – Air Squats x 1 – run back to bottom – Burpee x 1 

-Regroup at bottom of hill – Group Burpee x 1 

-Mosey – WWII x 20 

-Mosey back to cars 


-LBC x 15 

-Low Flutter x 15 

-Mt. Climbers 

-High Plank to Pigeon – R 

-High Plank to Pigeon – L 

-Catchers Pose 

Recover Recover 



The chatter was pretty quiet this morning, but Toxic was good for a few jabs… 

An incredible effort was made by all this morning considering the climate, I believe it was cooler in New Delhi this morning. 

Congrats to Talking Heads for 15 years of marriage, have an awesome time celebrating at IOP! 

Thanks for letting me lead!