The Sweet Science

Event Date

Jul 28, 2018


It was great to Q again and with the aide of my assistant, 2.0 (Hooper).  
25 IC Tony Hawks
25 IC Windmills
25 IC Mtn Climbers
Road Work:
Run on Crepe Ridge: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
The Workout (rounds):
Timing on an Everlast boxing timer (3 minutes; 1 minute);
on the 1 minute "break" do max Merkins, then plank 'till the bell rings. 
3 minutes on each of the following:
  – Carry two 3-gallon pails of water up and down the parking lot
  – Box the Ringside King Cobra reflex bag (14 oz boxing gloves optional)
  – Jump rope
  – Cinder block curls
  – Cinder block skull crushers
  – Cinder blcok squats
James 1  2:4  Consider pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. 
Perserverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I shared that many are faced with stress these days and a few folks asked me this week at different times how I handle stress.  I've always found boxing punching bags helps me reduce stress and refocus.  Difficult times can be faced with faith.  There are healthy ways to handle stress and refreash.
Thanks all