The Sword

14 pax with a FNG getting named “wolverine”

Expected 100% rain and only received a drizzle. 

Greeted Caboose with coffee & doughnuts since he has requested

this for some time. Unfortunately the coffee was just keuring cup. 

Good job everyone that showed up to lift rocks. 



Walking toy soldiers 

Cotton pickers 

Arm swings both directions 

Toe touches 



Rocks of 5 from heaviest  to lightest lined up

5 lifts through the line


Start one side of parking lot while waiting turn do WWII sit ups


run back to start over around island 



  1. Skull crushers- 20 mericans 

2 curls -bear walk to end

3  shoulder press- carolina dry docks

4 shoulder swings-20 seal claps

  1. Squats- lunge walk to the end


Find a rock 

group of 5

One person runs around island and is the time counter. 

Go through each above exercises. 

Repeat 3 times