The Sword

Event Date

Mar 17, 2020

10 Pax ignored the warnings and gathered to burn off the weekends pizza and beer. YHC picked up a last minute Q to help out the hardest working 1st F Q in the biz. Zare and Honeysuckle Blue were there, but not registered. 

Warm o rama:


19 Toy Soldiers IC

3 rounds of Chelsea: 

5 pull ups, 10 muricans, 15 squats


The Thang:

Slow muricans x 10 IC

5 burpees

Block Curls x10 IC

5 burpees


Run to the wall

5 burpees

Partner A: Peoples Chair, Partner B: 5 burpees

Flapjack, Repeato x3


Run back to the blocks

5 burpee penalty for lolly gagging

5 burpees when we got to the blocks

Slow muricans x8 IC

5 burpees

block curls x 10 IC


Run to the wall

Partner A: Balls to the wall

Partner B: 3 Burpees

Flapjack, repeato x3


Indian run to the blocks:

5 burpees

Slow muricans x5 IC

Everyone pick a line, do some muricans shift one line, repeato x3



Low Flutter x50 IC

LBC x 50 IC

Recover Recover


– Welcome Honeysuckle Blue! Keep coming out! 

– If you didn't care for the burpees or heavy metal covers of the Frozen 2 sound track, all I can say is, "be the change you want to see in the world". Sign up to Q and you control the narrative. 

– Everyone stay healthy. Whether or not you believe this is real, a liberal conspiracy to take your guns, or a move by Trump to install himself as an all powerful supreme leader, remember to wash your hands and not touch your face. 

– Thanks Cherry Bomb for the opportunity to Q!