The Sword: A Pete Newton Story

It was a beautiful brisk fall morning as I quietly snuck out the door a few minutes after 5am. I need to be careful not to wake the M, less I feel her scorn. "I think I’ll walk to the workout today", I thought, more time to enjoy my coffee. As I arrived I noticed exactly 13 other people waiting anxiously in the parking lot. I could hear the leader of their group, the one they call Qbert, from half a mile away. I think it might be Qberts birthday, but 40? That doesn't seem right, he's so full of youthful exuberence. 

At 5:30 we began, running to the back of the parking lot for our usual warm up session. What would Qbert start with, SSH’s? How fast would his windmills be? Better be perfect or I’ll have to say something. BLOCKS FIRST? Doesn’t he know we need a dynamic warmup? He instructed us to do a blockee every time Bon Scott said TNT and to otherwise SSH.


The intro to this song is really long, I don’t remember it being this long….


Qbert bamboozled us, it was a never ending loop of the intro! That rascal, he’s so smart….and handsome, and his music is great. Why does Popcorn keep looking at my hand? Does he not know?

Then we did some other stuff:

3 negative pull ups, 10 pushups
Repeato x2

Single arm bent over [b]Rows, concentrating on a good contraction at the top and stretch at the bottom

Curls IC, also nice and slow.

Repeat all this times 3

Get in a line with your block, bear crawl push the block to each island and do a Mary exercise. I don’t remember all of what we did, but the one Toxic picked was not my favorite, for real.


End with Thunderstruck, SSH and burpees!

The men began counting off, 14 in total! What a turnout, what a Q! Next we sound off our mighty F3 names, when it came to me I proudly exclaimed, PETE NEWTON "THE FORCE"! And we were done, until next time…

Other thoughts I had:

I’m sure Qbert thanks everyone for coming out and for the opportunity to lead. A few people ran before hand as well. People should really sign up to Q.