FNG -1 = Pancho 2.0 (Second Post)

FNG -2 = Plinko (There is already a Plinko on the website who posts in Race City. Once this Plinko signs up, may need to add ISO to his name)


0500 – YHC, DonHo, Professor, Lego, Dingo, and Qbert ran The Standard. Mileage ranged between ~2.7 to 3 miles.


0530 – 26 men showed up to witness the transfer of The Sword from DonHo to YHC. A disclaimer was given and we rolled out moseying up and down the parking lanes until we settled nearby the pull-up bars. 



  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Merkin x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 15 OYO


The Thang

Round 1:

  • Squat Jacks x 30 OYO
  • War Hammer x 30 OYO (NOT Captain Thor since it doesnt ascend)
  • Overhand Pull ups x 15 OYO
  • Run 400M
  • Diamond Merkin x 10 IC

See what I did there? 

Round 2:

  • Squat Jacks x 18 OYO
  • Merkins x 18 OYO
  • WWII sits up x 18 OYO
  • Pull ups x 15 OYO


Round 3:

  • Jump squats x 18 OYO
  • Sphinx (Sphincter) Merkins x 18 OYO (Start low plank and push up until elbows lock, back to low plank) 

Nobody liked the Sphinx Merkins and there was mumblechatter about them being too confusing and difficult. *crying* So the Q decided to make the next exercise one everyone knew how to do very well.

  • BURPEES x 18 OYO
  • Pull ups x 10 OYO


Mosey to the Wall for People's chair, air press x 15 IC, balls to the wall.


Line up at the parking lot lanes.

  • 10 HR Merkins, Run to middlw,10 HR Merkins, Run to end, 10 HR Merkins
  • Quadraphelia back
  • Lunge walk to Sweet C's truck
  • Dragon Walk to end of parking lot



  • Low Flutter x 25 IC (HOLD IT)
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • LBC x 25 IC
  • Russian Twist x 15 IC
  • WWII Sit ups x 10

Recover. Recover.


Freezing Cold Moleskine

  • It. Was. Cold. However, all pax were warmed up by the end of the beatdown.
  • Professor ran a half-marathon "for fun" on Saturday and still led the pack today. Strong work.
  • Toxic's mumblechatter is the best mumblechatter because it always ends in a really terrible exercise (see Dragon Walk above).
  • Pancho's 2.0 will forever be known as Squeaks.
  • YHC started posting about 10 months ago and it has certainly been one of the better decisions I've made in quite some time. Thanks to Kevorkian for EHing me during my annual physical. Kevorkian is a longtime Kotter and YHC has his annual appointment coming up in January. May be time to repay the favor and EH him back into coming out.

Thanks to DonHo for giving me the opportunity to lead The Sword. The ownership may be new, but The Sword will continue to be the toughest AO in all of Huntersville.


