As Tuck and I pulled into the parking lot, we were the only ones in sight. we began to hope that due to opening day in the NFL and post BRR fatigue that no one else would show up and we could just go for light jog. But alas, our dreams were dashed and 8 other brave warriors showed up (Kosar was beaming with happiness since his beloved Browns did not lose yesterday)…below is their story:
*Freedom Trail was in attendance as well.
Warmarama with sprints
Grab a block
Burpee on block suicides
1 burpee jumping over the block then run to first island and do 1 burpee
Increase Each side by 1 burpee till you go to 6 islands
10 pull ups
Run small lap
10 burpees
100 Jump ropes
40 curls
Run small lap
15 squat to presses with block
100 jump ropes (switched up with some mountain climbers too)
40 low flutter with press
Run a short lap
Repeat x 3 full rounds
put blocks up
mosey back to cars
That's all we had time for this morning and it landed us at 6:15
recover recover
- Good work by all the PAX, i think some folks that i don't normally see so hoping they come back to see me again! 🙂
- Not sure what they thought of the 'jump ropes' since we didn't have any jump ropes, but did a good simulation. good news is that not one person tripped on their rope or ever had the rope hit their legs to start over
- Caboose, sorry you missed it and instead watched with great hope that the Bears would win only to end in defeat
Bam bam