The Thirsty Beaver

Event Date

Jun 20, 2024


Four Pax were present for Samson on this humid morning. I wanted to test out my new Seconds Tabata Timer app. The teacher side of me used this app like a lesson planner to create a workout down to the minute.I’ve never used one before, but this gracious group of men were ready to put in the work! 

Here’s the summary after we did a short mosey to the blocks:

Quick disclaimer and Warmarama (IC):

-SSH x25

-IST x15

-Windmills x10

-Long Snappers x10

-Arm Circles (front and back)

The Thang: Tabata (each exercise 2 sets @45 sec with 15 sec. rest between each set)

-Block Squat

-Block Curls

-Skull Crushers

-PAUSE (run a lap)



-Chest Press

-PAUSE (run a lap)

-Lawn Mowers (each side)


-Block Squats (again)

-Staggered Mercans (with block) *alternating sides

-PAUSE (run a lap)

-Curls (again)

-Skull Crushers (again)


-Return blocks and ran to wall for People’s Chair and Air Presses

-Mary (Jackknife LBCs, Suzanne Sommers (each side)

Recover Recover


During our workout, we enjoyed our conversations about overly sensitive work associates’ while listening to my Foo Fighters playlist. Perhaps the funniest story came from Drebin when he shared his previous jobs in his legal career…marketing his practice with his Koozies at the Thirsty Beaver. Awesome marketing, brother! We talked about our cars and the possibility of Drebin replacing his truck even though he’s done some of his our repairs himself. 66 insists that he gets a Tundra.  

Great work, gentlemen! Thanks for coming out 🙂


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