The Three Amigos at Gladiator

Event Date

Jul 27, 2021

0528 YHC and Carpet Bagger contemplate various preblast strategies as it looks like this shindig will be a party of 2.

0530 YHC and Carpet Bagger set off for a workout all by our lonesomes. Here's what went down:



Do a long lap around the parking lot and then head over the blocks/pull up bars for the warm up.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Dwight Schrutes x 10 IC 
  • Wait… who's that? Welcome Soprano!
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Merkin x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC


The Thang – Part 1

Grab a block and circle up

  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x 10 IC
  • Lawn Mower x 10 OYO (each side)
  • Chest Press x 15 IC

Go over to pull up bars

  • 5 pulls ups
  • 10 hanging leg raises

Run a long lap then REPEATO!


The Thang – Part 2

Run a long lap

Had something else in mind but called an audible with the number of pax


Farmer carry the blocks to the cars

20 Merkins OYO

Farmer carry the blocks back near the pull up bars



Each of the PAX then called an exercise, here’s what they were in no particular order:

  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • OH press to skull crusher x 10 IC
  • Squats with block x 10 IC
  • 21s (7 low curls IC, 7 high curls IC, 7 full curls IC)
  • No legged V ups with block x 7 IC?
  • Upright rows x 10 IC
  • Pillow talk x 10 (each side) IC
  • Squats with blocks, with heels on curb x 10 IC
  • Little baby extension x 10 IC
  • Low flutter x 10 IC
  • J LO x 10 IC
  • WWII sit-ups x 15 OYO


– It was good to see Soprano out in the gloom, it's been awhile since the last time we posted together

– Thanks to Carpet Bagger for the opportunity to Q 

– Christina Latini Memorial 8K is on for September 18th at Grand Oak Elementary aka Mighty Oak. Make sure to get signed up!
– F3 Lake Norman’s 10 year anniversary is on August 21st. 

– Word on the street is that you can start pre-gaming for the 10 year anniversary on Thursday Aug 19th 7-10PM @ Primal brewery.