The Titan Locals Mostly Missed this Workout

Event Date

Nov 19, 2018


The Titan AO, located at Hopewell High School, I believe is the south-western most AO among the "Huntersville" AOs.  In other words, it is a bit of a drive for some.

Therefore, it would seem, there must be a strong showing from "locals" for this AO to thrive.  The Pre-Blast threatened a visit to anyone's driveway who didn't show for the workout.  Here is what we did:

0500:  Run Standard with Crab Legs and YHC, covering 2.2 miles.

0530:  Joined by Jaws and The Force ( * 66 found us later), we head out towards the houses of those not present.  Disclaimer given en route.  (Necessary as always, not only when someone almost literally gets run down by a bus.  But seriously, where did that bus come from?!?)


  • @Tantrums house:  SSH x 10 IC, Soybean Farmers x 10 IC
  • @Jingle Bell's house:  IST x 10 IC (quietly), calf raises x 15 OYO
  • @Dirt's house:  Slow Deep Squats x 10 IC, Elbow Plank x 1 min.  * Somehow, 66 found us at this point.  It was a Thanksgiving Miracle!
  • With running in between the houses.

The following local PAX were excused:

  • Memo:  I mean, my dude has 6 kids.  Can't be easy to post often!
  • Outsource:  Not a Titan regular (but we wish he were!)
  • Sponge Bob:  We didn't go quite that far to his house.  Plus, he could severly kick my a## so I don't want to get on his bad side.

We ran to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill".  Circled up for:

  • Decline calf raises x 10 each leg OYO
  • LBCs x 15 IC

Then we ascended Mortimer Hill via:

  • Bear crawl a ways
  • Lunge walk a bit  (Probably some Monkey Humpers in here somewhere)
  • Quadraphilia a bit
  • Lunge walk some more

Run back to the AO.  Stopped at Jaws house so he could return a pillow to Crab Legs.  YHC did not dare ask any questions.  Stopped once more for some:

  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Single leg wall sitting with tea sipping which was neither understood nor executed well.  It looked pretty cool when some other region did it and posted it on The Twitter.  Cobains.

Run back to the AO.  Couple of Sprints x 80%…so we could hit 3 miles according to my Garmin.


  • Makhtar Ndiay x 10 IC (only 40% participation rate for this one, lol)
  • Calf stretches
  • Hamstring stretch.

Recover, recover.  We covered exactly 3.0 miles according to Strava which was definitely planned.  *shrug*


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, gents! 
  2. Football convergence on Thursday, and Friday convergence at North Mech Park, at 0700.  Primal after for coffee.
  3. Jaws needs Qs in December.  Titan is fun, just do it!  Suggest that Jingle, Tantrum, and Dirt sign-up to express their apologies for missing today.
  4. Thanks Crab Legs for the Standard and the 2nd F.
  5. The Force is looking speedy these days!  He dusted me at a few of the turns.  So as not to be mistaken for a runner, he would like everyone to know he did attend a kettle bell workout last week.
  6. Very glad you found us 66.  Always enjoy your company my dude.
  7. Thank you Jaws for the opportunity to lead.  Together, let's work to ensure locals who miss Titan are shamed appropriately!  I shall find another Q on the calendar in December.

Thanks, Turnpike.