The Trinity Test 7/16/45

14x Pax showed for the anniversary of the Trinity Test of the Manhattan Project which was the first Atomic bomb detonation in New Mexico on July 16, 1945.  

As we circled up, we were wondering where the MQ was and discussed the long thread of Tweets the night before.  So many tweets between Etch-A-Sketch and the MQ, Mona Lisa, on who the Q was this week.  It appeared the MQ wasn't going to show sincy YHC had the Q.  Perhaps afraid of the proverbial beat down he know would ensue. But just as we were on the disclaimer and who to (or not to) be responsible for injuries, the MQ rolled out of the gloom to join the foray. 


Warm A Rama

Mosey to the bus parking lots (PAX grumbling at the mosey)

Arm Circles, fwd and back, Slow Windbills x15, Cotton Pickers x15, Imperal Squat Trooper x15, Hillbillies x15.  (PAX have zero mumble chatter, earily quite as they await what The Thang will reveal)

The Thang

Navy PRT style merkins and Big Boy sit-ups.  AMRAP in two minutes, partner counts.  Max is 72 merkins and 100 situps.  I stopped at 69 sit-ups.  Might of could done more, but… 69

Mosey over to Pull Up bars

Now we make use of the 7 and 16 of the days date of the Trinity Test. 

7x pull ups folllowed by 16x Squats, do three sets for The Trinity Test

7x knee ups followed by 16 lunges (8x each leg), do three sets for the Trinity Test

Mosey to the Cindy blocks, Karaoke and Quadraphelia on the way, grap a cinderblock

The year of the Trinity Test was 1945.  So for 45…

The Colt 45:  15x low curls, 15x high curls, 15x Top Gun Full Curls all IC

Fllow up with Overhead press, Skull Krusher, Lawn Mowers, Chest Press 10x IC

and a Block Swing x15 OYO with a mobility moment forward fold for 30 seconds, to the left and right foot, feels good

Put the Blocks Back for 


Touch them heels, Low Flutter, and Box Cutters all x15 IC

Suzanne Summer x23 (16+7) each leg

x10 IC Shoulder Tap Merkins and J Los for Snake Eyes and Amen

and Recover Recover

The Moleskin

Remembering the Trinity Test and the Manhatten Project is bitter sweet, or sweat in our case.  Using these weapons of mass destruction on our enemy at the time, Japan, ended WWII in the Pacific.  The use of the weapons, though costing thousands of lives, very possiblly saved tens of thousands of American and Allied Forces if they would have launched a large scale invasion of Japan.  And lets not forget about Pearl Harbor.  We can say in truth that no nation has dared to execute a large scale military attack on our homeland since then.  To make peace, one must prepare for war.  Pray for peace.  

Thanks to all that came out this morning.  Don't forget to sign up to Q!

TG sends,
