The Triple Lucky / King of My Heart

Event Date

Mar 18, 2017


[RickyBobby was killin' it with us as well]

4 lads emerged from the drizzle for the Triple Lucky workout.   Perfect Irish weather for a little cardio em-better-ment.  So pull up a chair, start the YouTube links below, and read how the boys made it happen.
King of My Heart:
Build Your Kingdom Here:
Be Thou My Vision: 

Quick WarmUp:
– 10x Mr. Mom’s (x = in cadence)
– 10x windmills

To keep the St Patrick’s Day celebration going, YHC turned some favorites into the Triple Lucky workout.  7-ish reps  x  7 exercises  x  7 sets
*** Vortex:  7-ISH??    
*** YHC: some things were just meant to be done more than 7 times…you’ll see…

The Thang:
14x Jumping Jigs   (SSH)
  7x St. Patrick’s push ups   (merkins)
  7x Shalleleigh situps   (WWI)
  7x Shamrock squats
  7   Blarney Stone burpees
  7x Leprechaun lunges
14x Murphy’s high knees / Guinness butt kickers***
Run up Ballyhoora hill and back  (last two quadraphelia)
Repeat-o 6 times

*** yes, you know about Guinness beer.  It’s made in Dublin, and their marketing team and distribution into the US kicks butt.  However, if you want to impress an Irishman, especially one from southern Ireland (Cork, Limerick, Shannon…), offer him a Murphy’s.  It’s similar to the G-beer, but it’s more creamy, almost like a beer shake.  It’s fantastic.
Available at Total Wine in the carbonated can version…not quite from a true Irish tap, but you’ll get the idea.
If you ever go to Ireland, don’t just drink Guinness, go for a Murphy’s, and you’ll never go back.

*** the chest-to-ground merkins stacked up more than I thought they would #harderisbetter #qualityoverquantity #IdontwanttohearitLightBulb

*** RickyBobby (Dandelion’s 2.0) keeps it creatively scalable.  Skipping here and there.  Giving Vortex and YHC a run for our money every hill run.

With a little bit of time left, we headed to the back for a couple rounds of a 4-leaf clover meat grinder:
– 10 pull ups (timer)
– Iron chair
– Block curls
– Plank

*** Dandelion does RickyBobby curls as a partner-assist on RB’s pull ups.  #WeedManStrong

14x LBC
  7x Jane Fonda’s right
  7x Jane Fonda’s left
  7x Peter Parkers
*** Vortex suggests that PP’s are so good that 7x isn’t enough, so
  7x Peter Parkers again
14x fire hydrants right
14x fire hydrants left
1 minute of American Hammer / Russian Twists / Irish Barrells

Reflection:  Psalm 68: 32-35
32 O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God; sing praises to the Lord,
33 to Him who rides in the heavens, the ancient heavens;  behold, He sends out His voice, His mighty voice.
34 Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and whose power is in the skies.
35 Awesome is God from His sanctuary; the God of Israel—He is the one who gives power and strength to His people.
Blessed be God!

– Personal reflection.  For whatever reason, I fly through the Praising Him portion of my prayers all too often.  This scripture gave me a good reminder to reaffirm His majesty, love, and faithfulness.  In Him, I find hope, and I need to pray it.

– Flavored *** throughout the bb for the most part
– T-claps to Vortex for running 5 miles before the workout.
– If you are looking for a European trip without the bother of non-English-speakers, I really suggest you look into an Irish trip.  Beautiful, beautiful country.  All the food is non-GMO, organic, awesomeness.  History everywhere.  Murphy’s beer.  2nd breakfast.  With European flair.  Direct flights from CLT to Shannon during summer.  Let me know if you want any tips.

Quite an honor to lead you guys this morning.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.