The Triple Threat Ended as a Double Dip

Event Date

Sep 04, 2019

7 men stared at Hurrican baring down on different parts of the state and decided to workout anyway.   It was a crystal clear sky with a bueatiful sunset. The original #pb called for 3 Qs to include the Iron Pax challenge but only two were ready with a Weinke.  Jaws, Mr Hand, Burning Bush all took off for a run.   Shockingly, all 3 returned together. #teamwork #TunaRun

For those that wanted a Toy Torture, here is their story:

Warm O'Rama

  • Disclaimer
  • SSH X11 IC (for Julian Edelman and because Freedom refused to do 12 in honor of Tiom Brady)
  • Slow Deep Squat with Hip and Groin Stretches X5 IC 
  • Arm and shoulder stretches (DANGER WILL ROBINSON)
  • The musical selection was once again Metal Essentials on Spotify – that got a little dark I must say

The Main Thang

2 Sets of exercises done in rounds of 3 with an individual Pax doing the timing for each exercise

Set 1 – 3 Rounds

  • Pax 1: Timer – one Pax does 15X slam balls with the 40 lbs Slam ball
  • Pax 2: 30 lbs slam ball squat-toss-catch 
  • Pax 3: Bosu Ball 'Mericans
  • Pax 4: Alternating Battle Ropes 

We also did a mobility moment with hip opener and shoulder and chest openers after the 3rd round plus a 'relaxation lap around the sidewalk'

Set 2 – 3 Rounds

  • Pax 1: Timer – one Pax does a 15 yard down and back with overhead throws 
  • Pax 2: 35 lb Kettlebell Russian Twist
  • Pax 3: Bosu Ball sit up
  • Pax 4: Two handed side to side Battle Rope slams

We also did another mobility moment with hip opener and shoulder and chest stretches after the 3rd round plus a 'relaxation lap around the sidewalk'

Pick your partner and your pain – 3 rounds

?Partner up. Partner 1 goes into a low plank.  Partner 2 places a 45 lb plate on Partner 1's back.   Partner 2 does 2 sets of 15 yard down and backs with a 35 lb weight plate carried over the head.  Flapjack

After 3 rounds of partner pain were done, we did another relaxation lap and the runners returned to the AO


Another mobility minute and stretch ensued to use the last two minutes.

Recover, recover.

Announcements, COT, Name O'Rama

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Jaws thinks that jump ropes are discriminatory – he's not wrong
  • Swanson admired the sunset a few times and put in his work
  • Fiddler just kicks ass in workouts.  I wish that I could tell younger me to get in shape while young. 
  • The Master Q, Freedom, expressed some displeasure that I only had a half a Weinke made and then audibled for the 2nd and 3rd rounds (I had the other stuff ready in my mind)
  • Burning Bush is really into his names because he showed up with a BIRGHT pair of new sneakers for his run
  • Hand took off ran. That dude can fly. Good luck in your interview this week!