The Tuck Rule Applies

Event Date

May 10, 2018



A. Four Corners warmup 


B. Partner Exercise 

Partner A 20 KBs swings, 20 curls

Partner B – Run to woods and back 

Partner A 20 Bent overs, 20 tricep

Partner B – Run 


C. Flutter with KB Press IC Ladder with burpees 10-8-6-4-2


D.  Four Corners interlude 

Partner A – goes left 20 squats 

Partner B – goes right 

Meet middle 10 partner derkins 


E. Squat Press IC Ladder with burpees 



E.  Four Corners Interlude

Bam Bam – Mountain Climber Merkin Suckfest 

Bunyan – 10 Turkish getups each side 



10 men entered the medieval mind of Scrappy as we ventured around the parking lot with KBs for a good mix of weight training and running noted above. 


It was was a great showing by all and we pushed our limits.  


Bam Bam noted that he was sore from yesterday’s merkins so we did plenty of legs and core today.  


Tuck got stuck with Bam Bam’s monster green KB as we had to move one position over to the left in a circle of pain.  Although we were on track in a KB to do only 2 reps, YHC called out 10 reps and 10 burpees.  Tuck took it like a man and so the Tuck rule applies in this case:  Getting screwed on an exercise may now be referred to as getting “Tucked” 


Boarhog is a monster at 50. Respect. 


Mayhem noted that the the founder of the Spartan Race kept losing to a buddy on a mountain race 1 vs. 1.  So, he planned to do 100 burpees a day for several months.  This exercise caused him to beat his friend and he noted that burpees got his core super strong and helped him get stronger and faster.  Aye Mayhem good story. 


Gypsy is always smiling.  I love it.  You are such an excellent addition to the PAX.  Thanks for stepping up and leading an AO.  


Kosar has a noticeable limp while running.  He has the Q at the Mighty Jungle Saturday.  Should be a good one.  Heal up. 


Welcome FNG-1 “Hoodie” whose nickname growing up was Scrappy.  Takes one to know one. You crushed it today on the runs.  You’re fast and I noticed.  


Bunyan always strong and good to see you crushing it. 


Red Rider it was good to see you as well brother.  Nice work man.  


Scrap Out