The Tuesday Turnip, and other root vegetables

Event Date

Jan 03, 2023


T-claps to whoever added DonHolio to the website. Can we get a Soft Serve as well? I mean not that he shows up, but would be nice to have as an option just in case.

The BGs showed up in force today, which means about half of them were there. More than can be said for the GBs. I was holding out hope Smokey would come out of hibernation.

Speaking of the BGs, how GB is it that they are flying out to California to do a 50k together. Now if they would only become slightly more cool and less approachable, they’d really have the imitation nailed. Off the books runs are just the start, right Incogs? 

Apparently the Incogs hate the Candy Shop. Why you ask? Because the BGs stole their idea as well, and are just doing it better. Speaking of off the books runs, how is the Caboose doing these days? The name seems appropriate, as I fear it is stuck and abandoned at Veterans Park. I hope no Pax has found it on the website and shown up, only to sad clown it.

But I digress.

We did workout today and it was somewhat difficult. It was structured to challenge everyone, even the new Nantan, yet it also kept everyone together. No one was Odyssey’d. Except Big Montana on his fly by to Auto’s house.

1 mile warmup to the Pergola at Sandowne Park. One mile cool down back. In between we ran some hills, did some quadraphilia, Bobby Hurleys, Apollo Ohnos, Tarantulas, and one legged hip thrusts. We discussed the dropping Airbnb rates. How bad the word moist sounds. Ditto with slit. But not in that order. Oh wait, that was after the workout. Popcorn kept asking us to say it again and doing the eerie smile thing. We then disbanded, thanking God we are not married to Popcorn.


On a serious note:

Prayers up for Damar Hamlin and his family and the families of the three men who feel off the scaffolding in CLT yesterday. 

Take time to pray about and think through where we need to change and shift focus.  What are those areas you wants to focus on this year? I often think through come up with ideas. Then pray and it’s amazing how my perspective changes once I pray. Wherever you settle, see if there is a word or phrase, a theme that sums it up. Write it down in a place you can see it. Find some accountability, some men who you proactively ask to keep you accountable. Welcome it, be intentional!