DD and Simon are not yet on the website.   FNG is Andrew McCarthy, outta CA, Sacremento area, college in Reno, and 'might' be already nicknamed…..see Slack for deets.  Brushless' son, Bailey LaFont, was a stalwert member of the COT.  

Brushless and Cupcake rucked #thestandard.

Twenty strong gathered at The Glen to listen to some pre-race fanfare and see what w'all had in store for the penultimate Saturday in November.  Here is the story.

Mozy, kigh knees, right karoke up steps, crab walk down, left karaoke up steps, crab walk down, butt kickers, kick steppers.

COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST 20, CP's 10, WM's 10, Mericans 10, MC's 10, mozy to pull up bar area.

TO THE SHORT WALL: Stairway to 7.  1 decline off wall, quadraphilia up, 6 squats at top, crab back down, 2,5……..6,1.  Mozy over to pull up bars.

Testy 20- Each of pullups, burpees, incline Mericans, oyo.

TO THE WALL-Shoulder work.  Peter Parkers 15 IC, recover, Peter Parkers 10 IC 3 steps to the R, # to the L (in vertical position)

Mozy to field, COP for 10 toy soldiers IC, count off by 4's:  Four teams, 5 men each, two games of utlimate frisbee for 30 min, great fun.

Mary (IC): LBC's 20, Box Cutters 20, 6" 1 minute.  Recover, recover.


-Incredible play by all pax, epsecially Simon, Apehangers, Dewey, Chief, Loveshack,Crack, and Dolittle.  That was just on field 1, feild 2 had its own set of stars….

-The intention was to loosen up, smoke the upper body early, lhen hit the fields in an attempt to limber up the runners for the 5k.  As usual, it looked better on paper.  

-Bands playing in the distance did add a certain college feel to the ultimate game…..nice.

-Families started showing during the COT, that's when Bailey (sp?) LaFont joined in the fun!  Nice to see a future F3'er out there!

-Andrew McCarthy posted for the first time today, was impressive, and gave the RC pax NUMEROUS ways to name him.  FLG might have put it to rest with his first suggstion.  Only time will tell.  

-5k runners were Butterstick, Rentacop, Dolittle, Simon, Loveshack, Strutter, and YHC.  5k ruckers were Contra, Brushless, and Finger Lickin Good.  Usain was on the organizational front and Crack ran support.  A GREAT cause, as each runner was given a water bottle with cash in it at the finish.  The runner is encouraged to 'pay it fwd' and make that cash work for someone in need during these holidays, what a pay to help those in need in our society!  

-Light and jocular mood today with the pax, makes the Q easy to do, thanks Gents!

-Utlitmate is a running game, little to no contact (ideally), postional strategy is very relevant, valuing the disc is critical, and good hands are a must, on both ends of the pass.  The pax knocked it out of the park today, and impressed the daylights out of the Q, Well done!  

-Thanks Rentacop, for the chance to lead.  

-Please step us and take the reigns, you will NOT regret it….very fulfilling.