Those not listed on the F3LKN WS are: Soul Glo FNG1, Kevin Bell FNG2, Bueller FNG4, Screech FNG4, Sausage King FNG5, Neon (Dewey's 2.0–we ran outta FNG labels:-/, Strahan, Mohawk, and Butterfly. 

When one sits down to pen the mini-Illiad that will serve as the #bb for your particular workout experience, one can become intimidated by the weight of it all, the magnitude, the responsibility……not really, this is fun.   Twenty eight gathered to find out what the (cough) appropriatedly 'Tweeted' #pb informed them…..that there would be an 'ultimatum'. What exactly is it?  Read on……

Warm Ups:  Pledge, led by Lear.  Mozy to parking curbs, slalom hop them.  COP (IC)- SSH 20, 1 BURPEE, IST 15, 2 BURPEES, CP'S 10, 3 BURPEES, SCORPIONS 10 EACH LEG, 4 BURPEES, SLOW DEEP MERKINS, 5 BURPEES. Mozy to playground-pardner UP!

The Thang: Arms and Legs (sans knees and toes, knees and toes)-Pardner 1 reps dips until fatigue, pardner 2 squats– looking UNCOMFORTABLY at pardner 1.  WHEN pardner 1 can't rep any more dips, switch.  Do 4 sets.  Mozy to fence between soccer field and disc golf tee box #14.  It is here and henceforth, that 'THE ULTIMATUM' was administered to the Pax.  The Pax were shown two (2) round objects.  One was for playing ultimate the other was for disc golf.  Nine (9) volunteered, some with a certain amount of coercing, to 'play' disc golf.  DISC GOLF RULES- the nine were divided into 3 teams, each team with 3 men.  Each team was given one (1) disc, with the first throw 5 burpees were done, the second 10 Turkish get-ups, the third 15 merkins.  IF the disc was not in basket by the third throw (par for this course and most other disc golf courses located in the northern part of southern central North Carolina), the process was repeated–burpees, Turkish, merks….ULTIMATE ensued with the other 19, two games, of 5 per side, one side of four….but they had Bufferfly, and as such were successful. Play ensued for roughly 30 minutes. Both groups were taught the 'value' of the disc.  For each throw, pain ensued for the disc golfers.  For each missed throw or catch for the ultimate players, the pain of running more, and more, and more…….and more.  In general, physical fitness was improved…..objective achieved.

Mary was done as a collective (IC): LW called out the London Slide 5, Cheez Whiz called out the Mason Twist 10, Straight Cash Homie called out the W 10, Sausage King called out Low Flutter 15, Tote Bag called out some ab exercise, Cupcake called out Box Cutters 15, Chief called out Recover, Recover!!


-This was a huge crowd, and ideally it would have been just an 'Ultimate @ The Glen', but with our numbers getting swol, it seems we need some ancillary activities!!  Hence…..The Ultimatum.

-LARGE numbers of folks are NOT on the F3LKN WS.  Please, if you see someone you know named above NOT listed in the Pax section, contact them and get their email to Brushless.  It makes #bb's far more time consuming when they are not on the WS:-/

-Only three folks orginially chose to go disc golfing, however, six other joined in to what turned out to be limitless burpees, Turkish get-ups, and merkins… fun!!  These nine brave souls were Cupcake, Lear, Crack, Hurdle, London Whale, PIle, Strutter, Dewey, and Sausage King.  Oddly, these nine finished prior to the 'ulti-dudes'…..concerning……

-Arms and Legs went predictably umcomforbly perfectly weird….and exhausting, which was the point.

-Strahan, Butterfly, and Mohawk each grew tremendously as athletes.  Bueller held is own and joined the 'shirtless' crowd, along with Strahan, Mohawk and Chief.  LOVE the shirts vs. skins oldie but goodie!

-Loveshack and Chief participated in what was the most amazing bobble catch YHC has ever observed.  The disc was lofted to Shack, but behind him.  Chief lovingly bumped Shack, causing the initial bobble, then, several attempts by Shack to bring in the disc perpetuated the calamity, then finally, Chief grabbed the disc, simply and amazing display of concentration and hand skills.  Kudos to both!

-Mohawk had a 'Tyree-esque' head catch, it was impressive.

-The 'THROW'–it's valuable.  In disc golf, the better the throw, the less pain.  In ultimate, the better the throw (and catch), the less running.  Yes, the point was pain, but ain't no shame in working hard to 'value the disc'.

-Cupcake is said to throw like a girl, and the 5 vs. 5 ulti game was getting a little rough, bodies flying, fouls called….seems about right!

-#thestandard was RUCKED by Tote Bag, Crack, Lear, Cupcake, Hurdle, Loveshack, Mohawk, and Butterfly (yes, two pavers in each of the packs for Master Mohawk and Miss Butterfly!!!)and RUN by Pink Slip, Pyle, Stutter, and Cheez Whiz.

-There will be a VERY SPECIAL Guest Q next Sat. at The Glen, enjoy!!!

