The United Nations of Eggs

Event Date

Sep 03, 2023


8 of us gathered at 6 am (including Grade A) to run 6 which definitely warranted a backblast.  

Camelback showed up a few minutes late, and said he would catch us, so off we go.

The title doesn’t do justice to the conversation once Popcorn found out what Grade A did for a living.  The convo was actually pretty interesting and who knew how much influence and power eggs had, lol.  

The weather was amazing and the company awesome which made the six miles fly by very easily.  Slingshot, Turnpike, Grade A, and Pit Stop felt good so kept on going for a few extra. 

Gambinis knee didn’t act up which was awesome, and looking forward to cooler temps with more runs like this.  Camelback ended up taking a different turn than us so we weren’t able to run with him unfortunately.  

Great run!  Same time next week for an easy 6-8.