The Unplanned Estate

7:05 start due to parking issues as the lot is gettig repaved and to also wait for the MQ to show.  But once assembled, we jogged to the bus lot to circle up.  Jaws and Tantrum opted to continue running for extra miles.  Disclaimer was given to the remaining Pax, but no Pledge.  (Again, MQ had a rough morning.)


20 = SSH IC

10 = IST IC

10 = Toy Soldiers IC 10 = Carrot Pullers IC

13 = Burpees OYO (The M gave birth to our 3rd girl on 10/13/20, thus this was in their honor.)

The Thing

Mosey to the adjacent playground and split in to two groups.

Group #1 = 5 Pull-ups

Group #2 = 10 WW2's


Repeato x 10 for a total of 50 pull-ups and 100 WW2's

Mosey to the rock pile at the track.  Many opted for blocks.  Mosey to the track to circle up.

10 = Low Curls IC

10 = Skull Crushers IC

10 = High Curls IC

10 = Shoulder Press IC

10 = Full Curls IC

10 = Mercans IC (Right hand on block / rock)

10 = Mercans IC (Left hand on block / rock)

PAX assisted calling an exercise going around the circle.  Do not recall the exact order or Pax.

Exercises — Tuck jumps, 4-count body builders, run a lap, chest press, jane fonda, monkey humpers, etc.

Jaws and Tantrun returned w Frisbee and completely threw a wrench in the workout.  YHC conceeded to Pax pressure thus the blocks / rocks were returned and a slow mosey to the new turf field ensued.

Ultimate Frisbee to close-out the workout.

Recover, Recover


The mumble chatter is strong with this group.

FNG#1 — Andy Deal forever to be known as Enron in the F3 Community

Cigars were handed out by YHC in appreciation of all of those in attendance. 

Rodeo took us out with an impressive Prayer. 

Thanks to all for allowing me to Q, it truly is an honor.

….off to NY Bagel for 2nd F.