After weeks of hyping, the morning has finally come to launch Isotope's newest bootcamp, The Vanquisher.  YHC was both thrilled and humbled when at the start I observed 27 other Pax descend on Grand Oak Elementary to help launch in style.  3 Ruckers (YHC, Davy Crockett, & Mr. Burns), and 3 Runners (Turnpike, Calypso, & Mayhem) posted early for #TheStandard.  Here's how the pain was delivered:


  • Ssh x 30 IC
  • IST x 25 IC
  • Cotton pickers x 20 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC


It was brought to my attention that ‘Mericans are good for your fitness, so YHC will randomly assign them throughout the workout.  The Pax must stop and do the assignment before continuing with their exercises.

Mosey the long way around the school to the basketball courts

All pax line up in a straight line facing the basketball nets. 

OYO, perform the following:

  • 10 burpees, run to the basketball nets and back to start. 
  • Perform 10 jump squats, and repeat running. 
  • Perform 10 WWII situps, and repeat running. 

Repeato entire set, reducing by 1 rep each exercise as each set is completed. 

YHC assigned 10 'mericans x 4 OYO randomly throughout the sets. 

Starting to run out of time, YHC decided to cut the fun short so we can move on to other crowd favorites.  A few Pax almost finished all the sets…..almost…..

Mosey to the far wall next to the generator room, each Pax grab some wall.

  • Balls to the Wall x 30 secs
  • People’s Chair x 60 secs w/ Air Shoulder Presses x 20 IC
  • Repeato, sub Touch ‘Dem Heels x 10 IC

Mosey to the picnic tables

  • Dips x 20 IC
  • Derkins x 10 IC

Mosey back around school to parking lot, circle up for Mary

  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • Homer to Marge
  • Rosalita x 20 IC
  • Homer to Marge
  • Low Dolly x 20 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Merkin x 15 ic (Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Snake Eyes)
  • Elbow Plank x 60 secs
  • LBC’s x 15 IC


  • I'm going to repeat myself by saying that I was thrilled and humbled this morning by the turnout.  I think every Q, especially a MQ starting up a new workout, has that fear that noone will show up, but you guys all buried that fear 6 feet deep this morning.  I appreciate everyone who posted on this chilly morning, really strong work done by all!
  • The "None" tag above is for Bandwagon.  Apparently has not signed up for the website.  Sign up so you can get properly tagged.  Now go ahead and give us your 25 burpee penalty.
  • Welcome FNG John, NKA Jiggawatt! (My spelling, looks right).  I work with John and have been EHing him for close to a year.  Thanks for coming out this morning to become an official member of the Pax, and for not leaving anything on the table during the workout.  Keep coming out and sharpening the iron, I promise you will get leaner and stronger, and Qing your own workout in no time! 
  • Yes, Mr. Burns, I know that it's actually pronounced "Giga-watt" in your special scientific world, but the Hollywood version sounds better.
  • I was asked at one point if there was a method to my madness with the random audible 'merican assignments.  Yes, the method was that there was no method.  I just went with what felt right (and the mumbling and groaning of the Pax confirmed that it was right).
  • Thanks Titan for giving me the BS call I desired.  I'm sure other not-so-nice things were flung my way.  Your Welcome!
  • Thank you Mr. Burns for the opportunity to lead and MQ this workout, and thanks to Ditka for discovering this AO.  I'm really looking forward to the future with this workout.  The bar has been set, I'm challenging all future Qs to bring the pain and let's keep raising the bar so we can become better each time!
  • Speaking of future Qs, sign up is available on the website.  Step up and bring it!

See you all in the gloom.  AYE!