The Varsity BoneSaw – It Can Always Be Worse

Event Date

Dec 14, 2017


Varsity is a great AO, please plan to check it out soon!  There are multiple schools with smooth parking lots and various workout apparatus apparently, none of which were used today.  With "The NoCo BoneSaw" hill so close nearby, YHC assumed (perhaps incorrectly?) that every Varsity workout to date utilized it.  Here is, roughly, what went down on a cool day at Varsity:

0440:  DonHo and YHC for a somewhat speedy-ish ruck on the BoneSaw loop.  YHC thought DH wanted to meet up for a run, apparently not reading / understanding the Tweet correctly.  We did run a bit…with our rucks!

0500:  Circled back for the rest of the PAX.  DH, Jimmy O, and YHC went off again on a ruck of the BoneSaw, albeit at a more 2nd F pace.  Etch and LaBon did some running intervals on a nearby track.

0530:  Bid farewell to Etch, welcome Caboose, and we all met at 5:30 and were about to head over to the BoneSaw AGAIN.  But that…Tweetsie's music?!?!  Yes, Tweetsie rolls in hot about 0531 or 0532 ish.  We set off.

Disclaimer given; as we crossed the 4 lane road with no headlamps.  "Obviously not a professional".


  • A mosey to the bottom of the BoneSaw, including some high knees, butt kickers, long striders, shuffle R/L, and Quadraphilia.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 10 IC

The BoneSaw Hill Thing:  We would climb the hill, once on the back side, and again on the way back, in painful ways.  Went something like this:

  • Bear crawl "a ways" (usually an arbitrary distance determined by YHC based on participation levels!)
  • Crawl bear
  • Crab walk (while DonHo "walked crab" ; DH gotta DH I suppose)
  • Walk crab (while DH crab walked)
  • Partner carry
  • A LONNNNNNNG lunge walk.  We lunge walked so long, we literally saw shooting stars on multiple occasions.
  • Quadraphilia a bit since there was a "Car back" situation

At the top of the hill, we gathered for:

  • Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Elbow Plank x 30 seconds.  HOLD for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey to the bottom of the hill.  Ascend the other side via:

  • Broad jumps
  • Broad jump Burpees x 5
  • Wheelbarrow walk
  • DOUBLE wheelbarrow walk; one guy holding 2 guy's feet, who were wheelbarrow walking in unison.  Meh, it was quickly determined this idea is NOT a keeper.
  • Quadraphilia a bit.

Stopped briefly for:

  • Slow Deep Squats x 10 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank x 1 min on the median of the road which is totally safe I'm sure. 

Return to the AO for Mary.


  • 80% effort Sprint the length of the parking lot; LBCs x 25 OYO
  • Repeato
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • Man Maker Elbow Plank x 10 IC  (Caboose asked if YHC hated my elbows.  YHC had the customary 3 shirt layers so was oblivious to the rocky parking lot, apparently)
  • Slow Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • Elbow Plank x 1 min.  Discussed:  How long each PAX has been in F3.  Believe Jimmy O and LaBon the longest tenured vets.  Aye.

Recover, recover, at exactly 0615 per reminders from DH and Caboose that we cannot go over!  We covered 1.7 miles according to Strava.


  1. DonHo called it a "strange twist" that Etch and LaBon ran, while he and YHC rucked.  Indeed!  Next time let's all #Standard together if possible gents.  Thanks for the push today buddy. 
  2. Also, look out for DH's 3 year anniversary Q coming up at Dragon Slayer on Dec 28.
  3. Caboose was a beast as per usual, despite having done more than his fair share of Mericans during 9 Lives "1000 Merican" segment yesterday at Mad Scientist.  Believe Caboose could have "almost" been convinced to get coffee instead of Varsity today.  But YHC thinks if the offer was really made, he'd decline.  Also overheard Caboose say "sorry" to his partner before partner carries, ha.
  4. Jimmy O, great 2nd F as usual during the ruck.  Appreciate the support and hard work today.
  5. LaBon, did you break Etch while running?  Good work today from you both.  Great rucking with you both on Saturday as well.
  6. Tweetsie, thank you for the opportunity to Q.  Will be back, very cool AO you've started.  Appreciate the hard work today and thanks for taking us out in prayer.  Glad we waited the extra 1-2 minutes for you 🙂

– Turnpike

P.S. – YHC hopes "DOMS" sets in later, after our long lunge walk.