The Vern

Event Date

Aug 08, 2023


7 of the fastest pax in Isotope knew The Vern was coming, embraced The Vern was here, and proceeded to crush The Vern or some version thereof. Here is their story:

A select few men chose to meet The Standard. Some did not. 

You know The Thang. Run hard to Arnies AO, the long way. 10 Pull-ups or modify to 10 Bulgarian split squats each leg due to the likely swamp at the pull-up bars. 20 dips. 25 Americans. 30 LBCs. Laps in between all exercises. Complete 5 full cycles and then run hard back to FKT AO, the long way. Recover recover.

Turncoat released the weekly updates to the local cat Strava leaderboard. Mary is still top 10. Smokey is not, the cat that is. The other Smokey is peaking at the right time. Jobe is an old soul. He likes his Vern the way it was intended. Doreen…errr…Popcorn is just old and is not happy with the current movie rating system. Heely picked up The Vern right where Swing State left it. Ahead. It was story time for Matlock. He always finds the pax with the best story and slots in there. Popcorn received a pink kids life vest for his performance. 

Thanks to Swing State for the opportunity to Q at FKT. It is always an invigorating yet humbling experience to lead this group. Thanks to the LFC Men’s Ministry for the EH (email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. There is still time to donate to the Hope House fundraiser. Tclaps to Possum for leading the men of Isotope to raise over $4K for a great cause. Let’s go Isotope…surely we can push over $5K by Saturday and then celebrate by dunking your favorite pax. Go out in the world and have a positive impact on someone’s day. Be the man that you were made to be. Be the light, do His will. Until the next time…