4 men appeared on a beautiful Tues am for a classic F3 workout.
SSH x 25 IC, Windmills x 15 IC, CP x 15 IC, IST x 10 IC
The Thang:
Mosey to the monkey bars to start the Vern, then…
5 sets of the following:
- 10 pull ups
- run about 100yds
- 20 dips
- run about 100yds
- 26 merkins
- run about 100yds
- 30 LBC's
- run about 100yds
- El Tigre had a workout up his ole F3 sleeve, so he unanimously became the Q for the Quarry this am…
- This one is a classic F3 workout. I believe the Q and Arizona did this one at one of there first workouts when F3 mountain island started.
- Strong push by pax to get 5 sets done, good work men!
- Old man workout today, 3 of the 4 pax were over 53…
- Safe travels to all on vacay!
- It was an honor to lead today.