The Vern, only better

Event Date

Jan 17, 2023


8 men gathered in the gloom for the monthly running of the Vern. As usual, everyone got what they paid for – especially Kosar.

Surprise guest Hacker made his first FKT appearance. Possum also made a rare FKT appearance, and confirmed firsthand that FKT is indeed for all Pax. Possum also planted three shovel flags today, which was a cool sight to see as we pulled up. YHC planned to say the pledge of allegiance but DonHo took off at 5:29 as usual and with him the moment to honor our country…

Today’s running of the Vern was even better than usual:

  • Instead of pull-ups, the option to do the A-frame
  • Instead of dips, Bulgarian split squats
  • Instead of push-ups, burpees
  • Instead of crunches, WW2 sit-ups

I don’t believe anyone finished 5 laps. I don’t know if Frodo completed any of the workout, but I do know he didn’t do his WW2s uphill. DonHo was upset YHC modified his own workout. Something about clipboarding. Kosar said the workout was too easy. Jobe said nothing, for once.  Hacker took it all in, silently observing, plotting. Enron and Possum found one another, made heart eyed emoji faces at eachother, and embraced the suck together. Craig said it best: today was a good day. 

Look for some solid Qs in the coming weeks, rumors of Heely and Hacker taking the reigns

Thought for the day: be a fountain, not a drain. To be a fountain, you have to remain plugged into The Source

Continued prayers for:

Enron’s mom – healing and quality of life

The Force’s mom – healing and encouragement 

Moonlight – healing and encouragement 

The family of Cardinal and fellow Knoxville Pax as they grieve their loss