The Viking Workout

Event Date

Mar 02, 2021


7 men got better at Viking. 

Warm O Rama:


Imperial Storm Trooper


Slow Squats


The Thang:

Mosey behind the building

Decline Mountain Climber 10x IC

Bear Crawl downhill

10x Squats OYO

Quadriphilia up hill


Decline Mountain Climber 10x IC

Bear Crawl downhill

20x Squats OYO

Quadriphilia up hill


Decline Mountain Climber 10x IC

Bear Crawl downhill

30x Squats OYO

Plank while waiting ither pax to finish.


Mosey to rock pile then grab a rock

10x IC Full Curl

10x IC Chest Press with Low flutter

Run a lap


10x IC Shoulder Press

10x IC each side Curb Side Merkins

Run a lap


10x IC Shoulder Press

( Audible) 10x each side OYO Curb Side Merkins

Return rocks

Mosey to main entrance NMP

We found another wall

Peoples chair

Air Press 10x IC

Seal Claps 10x IC

Balls to the Wall

Mosey back to CCC parking lot


Lunge walk 10 yards then 10x OYO Jump Squats

Lunge walk 10 yards then 20x OYO Jump Squats

Lunge walk 10 yards then 30x OYO Jump Squats

Mosey around parking lot



Jersey Boy – Wide Leg fully extension WWII sit up

Bagboy – Oblique Crunch

Dingo aka Don Ho – Crunchy Frog

Waffle House – Low Dolly

Canuck – Jane Fonda (Canuck's style) Blackbeard need to learn this from Canuck.

Bob Ross –  Freddy Mercury



YHC mistakenly called Dingo ( DonHo) My bad.

Great work outhere this morning.

Anyone can lead workout. Sign up.

Thanks to Waffle House for the opportunity to lead my brothers at Viking.
