The Walking Dead takes a bite out of the freezer section

Event Date

Jan 06, 2016

10 IC Trio of Lunges, each leg
10 IC MC
Parking lot mosey

The Thang
Mosey to the track
Partner up
Partner A does Burpees While Partner B Runs 100 and back…SWAP…REPEATO
Sprint 100m to the concrete bleachers
Hop up each step, 10 calf raises at the top, burpee down each step, 20 dips at the bottom (4 minutes)
10 IC Decline 'Merican

Reverse run 200m to the pull-up bars.

E'rbody does 5 corn cob pull-ups (Pull-up…head to the left hand, head to the right hand, center, down…1)
Field suicide run
Peoples chair tire flip rotation (5) (can use 2 at a time to flip 410# or single PAX flip 265#)

Rotate through 10 reverse grip pull-ups

Mosey to the wall for 30 sec balls to the wall

Grab a rock and it's time upgrade your guns  Get bigger rocks, we are doing fewer reps..
5 IC Low Curl
5 IC Wide Merican
5 IC High Curl
5 IC Diamond Merican
5 IC Full Curl
5 IC Standard Merican

10 IC FM
10 IC Peter Parkers

Ephesians 2(1-5) As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.


  • 20°F at the start…so the workout was in the 20's
  • A rare Wednesday appearance by MetroDog to an ELHS Mustang workout
  • The Ghost Flag looked great blowing in the gloomy breeze
  • C# plays it smart and calls his own audible for the tire flips.  YHC takes a lesson in knowing your limits while in recovery…"IceTire" was frozen to the ground AND filled with ice and what we'll call heavy Water.  I swear it was 2H2O.  Good call C#, Q calls audible on that one after the first round.
  • Ziplock apparently has built in heaters in his fingers and dons gloves that appear to be made for a 70°F day.  YHC was wearing mittens WITH a pair of hand warmers, 2 socks (one pair was merino wool winter socks and plastic bags on the feet.  This proved to work great.  Made the foot humidity increase.  What's the word we love so much…oh yes…moist.  But caution here…without wool socks that wick away moisture I probably would have frozen my toes off.
  • Somebody, I don't know who, farted while doing BTTW.  To which someone replied "I didn't know that was possible"…"Which end did that come out of".  Yeah that's going in the BB.
  • Thanks guys, and stay warm