The Warrior Crash and Rock Dash

Event Date

Jun 04, 2016

6 PAX Crashed The Warrior Dash for #thestandard running through part of the course for 6 miles repeating Turnpike's loop from last month…


11 PAX with 1 FNG Rocked Excelsior for some Runnin' and Gunnin'…  Welcome Poptart!


The Bear was run today but some of us had to miss because of family olbigations and needed to be done earlier…


Warm up

2 warm up laps around the running track as PAX recollected themselves from #thestandard and others joined


The Thang (Mortimer inspired workout)

Grab a rock from the Rock Pile and Mosey to bus lot


Runnin' and Gunnin'

Run – Squat – Run – Hinge – Run – Pull – Run – Push – Run – Carry – Run


20 Reps of each rock exercise

  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock Squat to Overhead Presses
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock "Kettlebell" Swings
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock Curls
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock Merkins (hands on rock)
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Overhead Rock Carries around track outside lane
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Step Back Rock Lunges 
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock "Kettlebell" Swings
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Bent Over Rock Row to Chest
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Rock Chest Presses
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Chest Rock Carries around track outside lane
  • Run around bus lot track
  • Player's Choice Exercise
  • Run around bus lot track

Active Mosey to Rock Pile with Rock Thruster Throws

Lined up on the big Track for another running of the First shall be the last the and the last should be the first 

  • Turnpike blazed lap one and called reverse
  • Mortimer smoked the reverse lap catching most everyone

Mosey to start for recover stretch and plank

  • Founder stretch
  • Elbow Plank for one minute

Recover Recover


#TheStandard started off as soon as Professor rolled in hot…  As we got started he explained why… Too much social media on the throne makes your legs go numb (nough' said there)…  Although, with the excessive amount of crop dusting this morning several more PAX should have let their legs go numb as well…  

Did the second running of the 6 mile of Turnpike's loop…  Need to find a name for the loop…  River Rat Turnpike?  Excelsior Turnpike?  No Tolls Turnpike?

The #standard split in two several times but the PAX kept it together…  Kumquat of course floats out to the front every run…  Mini-Me joined us for a strong hill finish back to the school

Several PAX joined #Excelsior…  YHC let everyone know that we won't be on our backs for the workout and most PAX went Chippendale…  

Very happy to name Poptart on his second post…  Lego honored him with the name because he wanted to come to the early workout so he could get home and make his 2.0 poptarts as he usally does on Saturday…  Good man…

Mini-Me went Chippendale once we started the rock work…  He led the way most of the workout…

Big showing of strong runners today…. PAX stayed together well…

The Rock Tosses on the way back to the rock pile got a little skethy but everything turned out great…  That was tiring but good 2nd competition to see who could get the distance…  

The last track speed run was an energy drain for the PAX after 9+ miles in the heat…

Thanks for the Q Turnpike and the help from Mortimer on the workout…


This weekend is my two year Anniversary…  thankful for how all of the Men of F3 have inspired us all…  So many thanks, so many people to thank…. Just going to say thank you to all of you so I dont miss anyone person – THANK YOU!