The Week of Ich (Day 4)

Event Date

Aug 15, 2024

Day 4 of “The Week of Ich” brought us to one of my personal favorites, Dragon Slayer! After Qing 4 days straight, I am tired, but still pushing myself and others to the absolute limit. We’ve had weeks of low numbers at DS, I wanted to promote a high intensity, hellacious workout. So what did I do? Searched through actual years of backblasts to ensure we would have the pain we deserve. After hunting for the perfect routine, I remembered Jobe’s “nickels and dimes” workout. Yep that’s the one we went with today, and it hurt oh so good. Here’s how today went! 

Warm up:

Mosey to benches

  • SSH x20
  • Hillbillies x10
  • Dips x10
  • Step ups x10 ea leg

The Thang:

Mosey back for nickels and dimes, Every minute on the minute you’ll do two rounds 5 reps, and 10 reps of two exercises. You do this for five minutes. Ending with 50 reps of the first exercise and 100 reps of the second exercise in five minutes.

  • 5 pull ups x2
  • 10 merkins x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap

  • 5 kb swings x2
  • 10 kb OH press x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap

  • 5 burpees x2
  • 10 curls x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap


  • Low flutter x10
  • Homer to Marge x5 down on 5
  • Low Dolly x10
  • Pretzel crunch x10 ea leg
  • American hammer w/ bell  x10
  • Shoulder tap merkins x10
  • Burpees x10

Recover recover


2 miles, 50 pull ups, 110 merkins, 50 kb swings, 100 kb OH press, 60 burpees, 100 kb curls, 45 minutes of hell. 


Strong work today men! Out of 7 guys we had 4 of them take their shirts off, I call that a success! Thank you all for the opportunity to lead today. So nice to finally meet the infamous Swamp Fox today, hope to see you again soon bro. Thank you Popcorn and Jobe for being faithful to my DS Q’s. Matlock has now spent 2 days with Ich, and it’s been wonderful. Slingshot and Mr Holland, my Candy Shop homies, thanks for coming out and absolutely crushing it! I hope I made it hard enough for you, Jobe. That’s what she said. 

until next time, 
