The Week of Ich (Day 5)

FNG-1 Anthony (Way to get after it, you made running look easy!) 

And just like that “The Week of Ich” is over. 5 days of pain, 5 days of fun. Good stuff! Huge thank you to all the Pax that chose to do hard things with me this week. My body is absolutely exhausted now, but man oh man was it worth it. Day 5 brought us to where it all began for Ich, Candy Shop! I chose a familiar route to our regulars, nothing fancy. Just 5 easy miles. 

A few special shout outs from this week:

T-Clap for Popcorn who showed up to 3 of my Q’s this week AND bringing out an OG to dragon slayer

T- Clap for Blackbeard stepping out of his Cauldron comfort zone to join Candy Shop today, I’m convinced it’s cause I gave you a hard time for missing Viking. Nevertheless, way to get after it! 

My goals for this week were to meet new Pax, get someone to switch up their weekly routine, and get more comfortable with leading Qs. Mission accomplished! This week I met Little Finger and Swamp Fox, I got Blackbeard out to Candy Shop, and I feel a lot more confident in leading workouts. 

Remember F3 is more than a workout. 

until next time,
