The Weinke says “Whatevs”

Not mentioned in PAX list: Beast, who does not have a website profile.  And a player to be named (updated) later.  #Cobains for leaving the last pax off but after trying to figure out why i continue to put my hope in NC State football all day yesterday, my brain is mush and I cannot recall pax number 14.

Herein you will find the digital breadcrumbs of #TheEstate, October 29, 2016.  The what, the how, and the huh?…..

Warmorama:  First let's stretch our brain muscles and see if we can successfully get the PAX to skip the workout and go get coffee.  No.  Then can we argue that the Master Q is accountable to the overall operation of the AO and therefore should Q so that YHC can go get coffee?  No.  Well then let's get moving..

  • 3/4 lap around the track with dynamic high knees, butt kickers, carioca left/right.  Tactfully incognated by 9Lives and Mini Me.
  • SSH x15 ic
  • Mountain Climbers x15 ic
  • Windmill x15 ic

The Thang:

100 yard bear crawl on football field.  When you are tired, stop and do squats until you decide you'd rather continue the pain of bear crawling…..or #refusnik and take pictures….whatevs

Mosey to baseball field:

  • Run the Cycle:  sprint to first then jog the rest of the way around the bases; sprint first and second then jog around….etc.
  • Repeato in reverse

Q sees Freedom meandering toward the far end of the Bradley Middle School territory so…..whatevs, let's go there next.

Stop for some abs along the way because YHC is trying to avoid an asthma attack.  LBC x20 ic.

Continue mosey to the wooden X shaped structure in the back of the school lot.  (btdubs, Freedom was nowhere to be found but….whatevs)

  • Irkins x10 ic
  • Dips x10 ic
  • Derkins x10 ic
  • Riverdance x20 ic
  • Repeato all 4

Mosey to walkway behind Bradley Middle.

  • Australian PeelBack Burpees:  Line up, first pax does 5 burpees then heads to back of line, next guy up, etc etc.  Pax in line is doing squats in interim.
  • Balls to the wall 1 min…..because Mini Me said something about it and…..whatevs
  • Peoples chair x 30 seconds, then with left leg out x 15 seconds, then switch to right leg out x 15 seconds, then both legs down with air press x20 ic
  • Freedom shows back up out of the blue. So merkins x10 ic

Mosey back to track

  • Line hop sideways 45 seconds
  • Line hop forward and back 45 seconds
  • NKOTB (crossing over legs like a dance) 45 seconds…..because Elmers wanted it, and 9 Lives wanted sing boyband songs…..whatevs
  • Pelvic thrust a.k.a. glute bridge to appease Mini Me.  regular x10 ic, left leg up x10 ic, right leg up x10 ic

Tantrum wants bear crawls so he has the con.  What?  He audibles to the WWII situp (20 count) because…..whatevs.  (Well played Tantrum, well played).

YHC is still the Q and has a mighty pimphand, therefore 100 yd bear crawl, with squats if you stop……unless you guessed it…..whatevs.

Parking Lot for Mary:

  • Mason Twist x20 ic  (well placed subliminal messge by 9Lives).  Feet on the ground or off the ground because…..whatevs
  • Homer to Marge to …..seriously do these soccermoms not see we are working out here?!?!?!  Clearly their mindset is ….. whatevs workout cult dudes, whatevs
  • Recover recover

COT:  More soccermom interuptions but God is more important than you so we will not stop the prayer.  T-claps Professor for taking us out.

What is moleskin really….whatevs

  • The #pb eluded to whether BlackEyedPea would boycott YHC's Q yet again.  Just some good ol' humor between us.  It just so happened a couple years ago that each time one of us Q'd, the other was out of town or had to work early or something.  Then we realized it had been a while.  Now, heck, we just have to keep it up.  It is a streak nearly as important as the Cubs' World Series drought.
  • Good stuff this morning.  I'd rather throw out the #weinke if it means we have pax engagment are still getting a beatdown
  • If you can't do it, don't Q it they say.  Well there is a lot I can't do, but that shouldn't keep the rest of the PAX from getting a good beatdown (I care about your fitness).  So t-claps to the pax who stepped up to count some cadence and extend the exercise. 
  • Turnpike and Choppa represent YOUvsYOU in a good way.  They kept form the full time and are probably better (and sorer) for it.
  • Estee Lauder with the question of the day:  is this about form at all?   Yes it should be.  Sometimes the second F overtakes the first F and form yields to comradarie.
  • For the record that beatdown matched my weinke about 90%…just not how YHC envisioned it 🙂
  • Great philosophers have pondered:  does a bear s**t in the woods?  Not sure of that, but we can confirm that a bear-crawling Tantrum does on a field….or so the evidence suggests.
  • Speaking of Tantrum, believe it or not he ran 10 kilometers at the "River Rat 10k" this morning.  Who'd a thunk it would have been 10k.
  • The repeato of the Cycle backwards was a bad idea…..i'll admit it.  Hence the impromptu 10 count and stopping for some LBCs afterward.
  • To that regard, everyone thought MiniMe incognated the workout by running the bases in reverse order, but technically that was how i explained it; though not how i meant it.  So really he was the only one who followed instructions — YHC included.
  • Seriously it sucks I can't remember the last pax.  I can picture Mary and he was between SnapOn and Choppa, but I can't picture who it was.
  • Thanks Professor for the [coerced] opportunity to lead these men this morning.  I truly appreciate it