The Wilderness was HOPPING

Also F3 2.0 – Collin

72 degrees and only 68% humitity 

It was an awesome morning for a little beat down. 16 warriors got at it. 


  • We took a short stroll
  • 5 burpees
  • head down the road then circled up
  • SSH
  • CP
  • TS (with squat)
  • WM
  • carolina dry dock x 25
  • jogged to the next corner
  • lunges x 10 each leg
  • end of the road
  • merkins x 20


  • partnered up
  • partner 1 x 10 pull ups, partner 2 x 20 squats
  • repeat
  • To the BB court – Dora – (instead of running we jumped rope)
    • partner 1 did a set of 25, partner 2 jumped rope (then switched)
      • 100 squats
      • 200 merkins
      • 300 LBC
    • 2nd Dora – Each group grabbed a rock
      • 100 skull crusher
      • 200 shoulder press
      • 300 curls (time might have kept everyone from finishing)


This was only my 2nd Wilderness, and The Force pointed out that it was a bad form as I live in Wyndfield Forrest. I let the 5:10 hold me back. So I decided to no more excuses and glad to be apart of this great Post. 

Really impressed with the turn out. I was running around last night looking for cheap jump ropes and glad I bought enough. As always, it is great to workout with PAX I don't bump into all that much. 

If anyone wants to play with a kids toy (jump ropes) at there work out, let me know I have more then a dozen to use. 

Happy Thursday!