The Wolverine resurrected from Hollywood




12+1(Omega) who came in the last minute for naming FNG (FNG and Master Po came back ) braved to  cold to run up and down Birkdale for an early morning beatdown. Here's what went down:



Mosey to BBQ for Warmorama



  • Run around Birkdale to parking lot by the theater
  • Wait… the Disclaimer. It was given, “ I’m NOT….,This is self policing, stop or modify the exercises as required!’ Moses & Jersey Boy would be happy, even though it may not hold up in a court of law.
  • SSH X 20 IC
  • Windmills X 20 IC
  • Imperial storm troopers X 10 IC
  • Carrot pullers X 20 IC


Mosey to the stop sign near Which …


The Thang

 Jacob Laddre

Divided to #1&2 ;

#1 run up to start run uphill follows with 10 burpees, go down WW II 20 reps

#2 start WW II-20 Reps and run up

All go down Burpees 10,8,6,4,2, & raise Rocky on the top of the hills

All at the bottom do WW II 20,18,16,14,12,10



Walk with KB to front of parking lot near playset

15 SSH

10 Windmills 

10 Longsnaps/carrot pullers 

10 imperial stormtroopers 




Jogging to pick up the rock and suddenly Carpet Bagger approached and he told me that he had a dozen 35lbs weight plates behind his truck.


We started by doing weight plate Goblet squad X 20 IC


Pairing up with someone to hit 200 reps of


  1. Rond 1-Partner 1 mericans while Partner 2 runs from the theater to Starbuck ( 100 yards) and back to relief partner 2 catches up with mericans both do as much mericans then switch. Continue flipping back and forth until they reach out to 200 mericans   
  2. Round 2-Partner 1 chest press with flutter kicks while Partner 2 runs from the theater to Starbuck ( 100 yards) and back to relief partner 2 catches up with chest press with flutter kicks  both do as much chest press with flutter kicks  then switch. Continue flipping back and forth until they reach out to 200 chest press with flutter kicks .  
  3. Round 3-sweep the legs!  Partner 1 push forward 35lbs plate alternating step lunges while  Partner 2 runs from the theater to Starbuck ( 100 yards) and back to relief partner 2 catches up with chest press with flutter kicks  both do as much chest press with flutter kicks  then switch. Continue flipping back and forth until they reach out to 200 chest press with flutter kicks .  

Suddenly beep..beep it was 6.10am

We did Cobra Kai’s style stretching (if you want to know, show up next time!)



Recover recover


 Welcome to 2nd poster Wolverine (Adam from Cleveland) who I pick him up at Cork Screw,lol

32 degrees this morning the boys no complaint  

Thankfully and even number showed up this morning. 

Great work by everyone this morning.  Buttercup almost spit merlot on the second round.

The push plate weight with lunges were sweeping our legs.

 Omega was a late arrival.  He' came for the support the new FNG & Christmas party annoucement+pick up the raffle, but posted for coffee!  

Cherry bomb came with a raffle inside a protein bag and picked up by Omega..the winner is…Cobra Kai(I think that was a set up,lol)

it was an honor to lead this great group of guys.


