The Wooden Wedding

13 men joined YHC in celebration of my 5 year F3 anniversary.  It was warm, it was humid, the PAX were fearful of the # of burpees there would be today were chatty……and Clark & Crabby Patty showed up as soon as we finished SSH's. The rest of the morning went like this:



20 Mountain Climbers IC

10 Cotton Pickers IC

10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC

5 (more) SSH IC for you know who

Back to front run around the parking lot and to the track

The Thang

5 Burpees

400 Meter Merican Medley

Karioke left 100 M

10 Mericans

Sprint 100 M

10 Mericans

Karioke right 100 M

10 Mericans

100 M Sprint

10 Mericans

5 Burpees

Mosey to pull up bar

5 Burpees

10 overhand pull-ups

PAX in line hold high plank

10 underhand pull-ups

PAX in line hold low plank

5 burpees

Mosey To the DU bars

10 overhand DU pull-ups IC

10 squats IC

10 underhand DU pull-ups IC

10 monkey humpers IC

10 hammer DU pull-ups IC

10 burpees

Mosey To the binches

5 burpees

20 dips OYO

10 step ups each leg OYO

20 incline merkins OYO

10 lunges each leg OYO

5 burpees

Mosey to the launch pad for Mary

5 burpees

20 Freddie Mercury’s IC

20 Low Flutters IC

20 Box Cutters IC

10 Dr W’s

15 American Hammer IC

5 burpees

Reflection Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

A little more than 5 years ago on a Friday afternoon I was eating lunch uptown with a friend and David Underwood walked by, he knew my friend so we started chatting.  We discovered we both lived in Denver, so he handed me an F3 business card and said I should come check it out.  My first post to Mustang was the following Monday morning.  I learned that David Underwood was not known in those parts and was only known as Zip Loc.  I thought I was in shape, just so happened I posted on the last Monday of the month, which is now my favorite day of the month….Murph Monday!  Anyway, I came to F3 looking for fitness and was given Fellowship and Faith as part of the package unexpectedly.  I did not understand what the Lord had planned for me and I am incredibly thankful that I posted that Monday morning.  Thank you to all the F3 brothers who I've leaned on, looked up to and even on occasion had enough faith to follow me.  

Please keep Zip Loc, Sonar, Hannah, Steve, Janet, Annalise & Mr Hansel in your prayers.


  • We got 50 burpees per man in this morning, 700 as a group… 5 extra from Iron Horse for a total of 705.  Strong!
  • Clark & Mulligan were at my first post and here 5 years later – cheers to you guys
  • Crabby started burpees as soon as we arrived at a new spot or finished an OYO set – he may have just been doing extra credit because the rest of us are so slow compared to him
  • Mater thinks burpees are stupid…..shocker
  • Travolta sets a record for a 10 count that lasted a full miinute
  • We hope Scope shows to BBBroga tomorrow, he is the entertainment!
  • SWFL came back to the AO after he'd run home, showered, dressed, maybe eaten to tell us to get to work – could he be Clark Kent?
  • Dr D, Mater & Jon Bon closed The Meat Locker for the morning and converged at Mustang – thank you fellas
  • YHC has only 27 more years to be doing this at the same age Sparrow does it every day – we can all only hope to be as strong!
  • Crawdad may be getting back in the rotation now that he can actually attend races instead of watching them from hotel rooms – great to have you back bro!
  • Shake Weight is ready for his trip west but will not be taking his bike – burpees are easy in a hotel room or at a campground

Pleasure to lead this morning gentlemen.  Namaste, Bertha