The workout that DOUBLED IN SIZE after it started. . .

Event Date

May 22, 2021


It was just the Q and that BRP stalwart, Waffle House, already warming up to go "Around the World" when Boar Hog rolled in with his Deutsch diesel dynamo and his sprightly springer spaniel, calling us out on our supposedly premature start time. We synchronized watches (undoubtedly to the incorrect time) and moved on.

This Q's "Around the World" involved a run around both Bailey Road Park and Bailey Middle, through the greenway, over to the tennis courts, and back again, punctuated with persistent pain. This plan was thwarted when grumblechatter indicated that running along Bailey Road would require (literally) tethering the free spirit of our carefree canine cohort. Whether this objection came from Boar Hog or Waffle House was a matter of some debate. 

As we continued on a modified path, one of the eagle-eyed pax spotted a long, lanky loner strolling down the path towards the field. It was Moses, uncharacteristically late and walking, not running, due to an injury. He had only ascertained our 10-20 by the haunting, hair-raising howls of Hurley (no relation to YHC). Parts of Moses's body are failing him, but at least his hearing is excellent. 

The pax now twice its original size, we continued around the world, with Moses taking shortcuts when possible. Exercises were slow, intense, and extended (like my carnal activities), focusing on core and ignoring (as usual) whether the assembled pax were actually able to perform them correctly. Moses, to his credit, exhibited excellent form (where possible, given his injury) and even risked a full rack of irreplaceable teeth and a trip to the emergency room by placing his rock on top of his feet during a "dot the i" exercise. Clearly, his good sense is faltering, right along with his body. 

Along the way, Hurley made friends with squirrels and rabbits, Waffle House picked up the six, Boar Hog insinuated his usual humor, and Moses even stopped to distract a place-kicker a la Earl Woods (Tiger's dad). 

The two-mile goal surpassed, we headed back to the starting point for even more Mary, where Boar Hog took us out with a brief but sincere COT. 

LATER. . .
Moses suggested Summit Coffee for the farmer's market, so we went the opposite direction of our homes because when Moses talks, people listen. Boar Hog, mistakenly thinking we would actually condescend to use the front entrance, bought coffees for all, while the three of us were happily sipping our beverages in the back, having already ordered and picked up before Boar Hog arrived from his odd, blocks-away parking spot. 

The extensive Coyote gang were hanging out, so there was lots of second F, including an appearance by Good Life, with whom Waffle House and Moses were not familiar, giving YHC a rare opportunity to make an F3-to-F3 introduction (to MOSES of all people!) Swing State came by to make us feel good about our workout by proclaiming that he not only did the full 10-mile Coyote, but ran a standard beforehand. Thank you very little, Swing State.

Tough workouts on Friday and Saturday are great ways to end the week. Sunday we feel both the pain and the gratitude for our ability to endure it. Thanks to the BRP regulars for your uncommonly good company.