The Workout was a HIIT!!

Event Date

Oct 04, 2016


Here we go again.  I found myself as the Q of the best AO in NoCo, leading a great group of guys through a nice and hard workout.  As the master Q for Fallout, my deal is that if I have to Q, I am going to bring the paintrain so that all PAX get their monies worth.  This workout was no exception, as I provided the six brave PAX with a modified HIIT workout that went something like this…


Warm up lap around the track (1/4 mile)

All IC except where noted

SSH x 20

IST x 15

Windmill x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10


This is the crazy HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training workout that I have used in the past, but with a twist – each exercise performed continuously for 1-minute, the 20-sec rest/transition to the next exercise.  The twist was that PAX had to sprint 100-yards between every 2 exercises.  We ended up executing 1.5 rounds of the following exercises (in order) – then Recover Recover:


Flutter Kicks



Partner Assisted Leg Thrown-downs

Shoulder Touch Mericans (Aye Snake Eyes)

Big Baby Crunch (lots of crying here)


Elbow Plank

Carolina DDs

Cool Down Lap (1/4)

No time for MARY as planned!


  • Great to see the young guns out there – a make-up artist (Estee Lauder) and a tool (Snap-on – need to be added to site) – just playing way to hang in there.  Remember, the workouts dont get easier, you get better at doing them
  • I lulled the PAX into a false sense of security by saying my Achilles is still on the DL so there is no "running" today.  But I did not say there wouldn't be sprinting or jogging – both of which occured in some quantity.  Sorry i will deliver more precise overviews next time
  • We also found out that Hasselhoff is really an astrologist, as he provided a constellation lesson to the PAX with engaged in flutter kicks – his delivery was much better than Ms. Cleo's (obscure reference) and did not cost the PAX any phone charges – thanks
  • Finally, while I love Q'ing, I want to provide other PAX the opportunity to lead – the calendar is wide-open so I would like you all to step up and throw us a beat down.  Sign up on OR you will get me as a Q and we will continue to dial up the pain 🙂

Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did
