The Workout Was Built

17 Brothers came out and built the workout.   We ran a total of 1.69 miles along with a full body workout.   Clearly, there's something about the "Luck of the Irish,"  no burpee's occured while Outlaw was there.    8 Count Body Builders don't count eventhough he thinks it's just camo for a burpee

The Thang:

Mosey to Helo Pad

SSH x20 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Storm Troppers x 15 IC

Mosey down the road and up to "The 4 Corners"

Pax picks out of the bag, completes exercise/s and runs to the 2nd corner  (quadriphilia up the hill)

As we pick out of the bag, we add on to the exercises.  Ulitmately we get to doing 8 exercises

WWII situps x 10    exercise 1

Jump Squats x 10  exercise 2

Hand Relase Merkins x 10  exercise 3

Al Gore x 1 minute  exercise 4

Plank Jack x 10 exercise 5

Low Flutters x 10 exercise 6

Carolina Drydocks x 10 exercise 7

8 Count Body Builders x 5 exercise 8

After we went around and hit the 7th exercise, we had to mosey back to launch to do the last round.


1.  New clown car record, 7 fell out of the "Birkdale Group."  Look like a mixed scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High and  Old School.  

2.  Cant believe no burpees pulled and the last exercise was 8 counts.  Absolutely shocking.

3.  We need another Q school.   Several of the Pax are ready to lead but have to work on cadence.  We decided to send them to see Shoe at the General on Friday.  

4.Geek,  that workout took 10 minutes to create.  Isn't that how long it takes for you to figure out the first exercise?

5.  Magnus will have his first Q this coming Thursday.  Don't miss an opportunity to assist or mumble chatter a new leader.    

6. Always a blessing to be able to come out and be with you gentlemen.   Pass it Forward