Theater Drama

Event Date

Sep 29, 2020


YHC showed up with a plan which quickly was revised before the run began. Tried to keep it a simple out and back, go to Theater in Birkdale and return the same way we came, if marquee was lit we do 10 burpees. Allow those who want shorter distances to easily turn and go back. Revised plan, go to Theater as planned and return via Birkdale neighborhood instead. Goal to shorten the 10k to 5 miles and change. What really happened: On the way back Crocs takes wrong turn (actually no turn at all). Most everyone ended up with close to 6 miles and we didn’t get to see the faster paced folks on the way back to cheer them on. 9lives behind schedule.Take away and career rule #1 when you plan you work you work your plan. Next time stick plan. The Count played Dr Phil and calmed YHC’s nerves. Ultraman checking in with all pace groups and making sure everyone was in a good place. Crablegs biking it and supporting everyone. Jorel snuck in some miles on his own. Crocs the most loneliest runner (leading the front) was expected to be the 1st person back but ended up the last person back. Toxic making pitstops along the way and I am waiting to see a post about someones house getting pranked. Royale talking Tesla and self driving:) Omar making it look ez as always. Hope Niner made it to work on time and was ready to save lives.