Warm Up

  • Mosey around the parking lot

  • SSH x40

  • Merkins x20

  • Mountain Climber x20

  • Cotton Picker x20

  • IST x20

  • Windmill x20

  • Squats x20

Mosey to Concession Stand Area near Ballfields

  • Peoples Chair w/Air Press x20

  • BTTW 1 min.

  • Peoples Chair w/Air Press x20

  • BTTW 1 min.

  • Find a Bench

  • Merkins x20

  • Derkins x20

  • Step-Up x20 (10 each leg)

Mosey to Baseball Field – Partner-Up – SDNM

  • P1 – sprint to right field corner – 10 merkins at right field corner – sprint to center field along the warning track – 10 merkins at center field – sprint to left field corner – 10 merkins at left field corner – sprint to home plate to meet P1

  • P2 – WW2 sit-ups at home plate – AMRAP – while waiting for P2

  • Flip Flop

  • Reverse Repeato

  • P1 – sprint to left field corner – 10 merkins at left field corner – sprint to center field along the warning track – 10 merkins at center field – sprint to right field corner – 10 merkins at right field corner – sprint to home plate to meet P1

  • P2 – WW2 sit-ups at home plate – AMRAP – while waiting for P2

  • Flip Flop

Mosey to Rock Pile – Grab a Rock – Non-Traveler

  • Low Curl x10

  • High Curl x10

  • Full Curl x10

  • Overhead Press x10

  • Skull-Crusher x10

  • Overhead Press x10

  • Full Curl x10

  • High Curl x10

  • Low Curl x10

  • Return Rock

Mosey Back to Parking Lot – Mary

  • Low Flutter x20

  • Rosalita x20

  • Dying Cockroach x20

  • Pretzel Crunch x20 (x10 each side)

  • LBC x20



– This was not my VQ, but it was my V General Q.  Thanks to The Geek for "volunteering" me when I was on vacation a few weeks ago.  That will teach me not to miss #TheGeneral again…

– #TheGeneral is always a fun AO, with lots of great mumble chatter.  The Pax went easy on me though…Smores called BS a couple of times, claiming my exercises were not keeping up with my cadence.  That may be an effect of Shoe's counting skills rubbing off at #TheGeneral.

– Pax was not happy about having to do WW2 Situps in wet clay infield…the morning after a nasty rainstorm..so sombody called audible to move them to the outfield grass, so they could keep their clothes cleaner.

Remember to check F3Isotope.com for announcements.  Lot's of good 2nd and 3rd F stuff out there.

Prayers for Oyster's friend's family as they greive the loss of their son.  Thanks to Oyster for taking us out in prayer. 

F3 has so many positive impacts on all of us – I'm grateful to TheGeek and Holiday for pushing me a couple of years ago through not-so-subtle EH-ing – thanks guys!  



Ninja Turtle