There is no such thing as a Soft Commit

Event Date

Jun 29, 2020

After YHC spent Sunday AM, running OTB with Duvall, during coffeeteria he asked when Fireball was launching Monday with intention to get back into the running routine.  Sounded like a Soft Commit if I ever heard one. Not to miss an opportunity to call out my favorite F3 Royality. . .El Capitan. . . Duvall was goated on Twitter, making sure he showed or was ridiculed later. 

0530 Standard – Second week in a row where someone has showed up after checking the website.  Restaurants can't even keep posted business hours and yet the F3LKN website is being followed like gospel.  I don't get it.  Either way glad YHC showed to find Curd wandering around the parking lot. . . looking for a #CB rest stop.  As expected Mort showed as well.  Other regulars. . .who won't be mentioned. . . were a no show.  More on that later.   The very standard, 3 mile warm up through Bailey Road Park through Bailey Glen and back up to the launch. 

0601 Fireball – Optimus shows up after his 1 mile warm up at 0600.  We are just about to launch and Duvall pulls in, with his Champagne colored Lexus on 2 wheels, sans shirt.  After putting on a tank we launch. Standard 5 Mile Fireball Route.  A couple #CBs by the group. . . .9:00/min pace in high humidity felt like a struggle . . .Mort putting in extra credit and making it look easy.  Overall great start to the week per usual.


 – For YHC running with two coaches in their prime and a legend like Duvall was pure magic. 

 – I've heard of Curd but haven't run with you brother.  Nocked out something like 10 miles without having run in a while is strong.

 – What are we training for?  Well supposedly Duvall is training for BRR.  It's still on!  Great work coming from Grey to the little nipple called Bailey Springs

– Duvall wore a tank like a man bra.  I am not going to lie.  It was sort of brillant.

– Duvall literally knows everyone in Davidson.  This was confirmed when two runners ran by exclaiming "Hello Michael"  Who's Michael? 

– I get it. . I get it. . It's tough to get motivated to come to Fireball on Monday.  Hell most weeks I don't want to do it.  It's tough to be motivated for anything right now.  But Fireball is an easy great work out.  It's got a little of everything.  I need your help to build back attendance.  It used to be 15-20 PAX regularly who would show.  It's a great BRR training workout.  If anythign help support your MQs and Qs.  We are only going to be able to get out what we put into this together as a fellowship.  Any suggestions I am all ears.

