There Was An Attempt

Following a mix-up due to Jolly Roger overbooking the Q role, YHC assumed Swing State or Hall Monitor would take the reigns this morning. But at 0602 we were still standing around while a FOX news truck was nearby getting ready to tape. I didn’t think a piece on F3 gathering in large numbers without masks would look good on the evening news, so I began walking north. The others fell in line, but followed at a distance.

Since I didn’t actually prepare anything, I opted to take the same route as last week. I had my phone with me to stick the the right route this time, but still expected a mutiny long before it happened. To the pax’s credit, they followed the route all the way to Vermillion before veering off on their own — and taking the very same detour that caused us to go half a mile out of our way last week. When Turnpike, Omaha and YHC turned back at the top of the hill, we saw Amen all alone. He said the rest had chosen their own route at the last intersection.

Although I had planned to stick to the “actual” 4 mile route this time, I opted to take a shortcut of our own which put us back at the coffee shop right on time and with 3.6 miles covered. As we were going inside to get coffee, the rest of the gang arrived. The Race City representatives left without coffee again, likely wishing Jolly would return so they wouldn’t get stuck taking the longest route every week.


  • Kudos to Amen for joining us this week with a rare Thursday off from work. Ask him about his Dr Pepper “ruck” the next time you see him.
  • Omaha returned to rucking this week. He claimed YHC talked too much but remained silent when I turned the spotlight on him.
  • Thanks to Turnpike for the walk & talk. We had a good converation about how routines and dicipline are being impacted by the pandemic.
  • FNG-1 is Kennedy who attended his 2nd ruck and took the name “Tina” which is a palindrom of the first 4 letters in his hospital name.
  • Mini-Me and Billy Bob get partial credit for arriving late. But they were just in time for #coffeeteria despite bringing their own from Starbucks.
  • Gnarly Goat and Canuck were waiting out back for us follwing their post at Wilderness. Prayers for GG as he deals with the recent loss of his mother.

