There were lot of Jacks, Jack

FNG-1 is Two Toes from Charlotte. 

Between the mallwalkers walking/rucking and the PAX, 12 esteemed gentlemen completed a 1/12th marathon with some beatings thrown in on the not yet frozen tundra. Here’s what went down.



SSH x20


Toy Soldiersx10

Long Snappersx10

OYO for Arm circles and neck circles

The Thang: 

Run to Cain Cents entrance, IC

Squat jackx20, incline mericans x15, dips x10

Run to rock pile next to Legion Park, grab a rock for:


lunge w/ twist x20

shoulder press x10

bicep curl lo/hi x10 each

skull crusher x 20

full bicep curl x 10

Low flutter x 20

chest press x20

Run to empty parking lot:

backwards run

Apollo Ohno jumps 20 per side

7 count LBCs x10

Run to dunkin lot partner up:

Partner lap around building while other does CDDs, repeato with squat jacks then plank jacks. 

Sprint to the finish. 2 miles on the number covered. 


Various mary movements. 


Prayers to all those who are suffering or in need,  and thanks be to God for this day and these men./  An honor to lead,  thanks Jersey Boy. 

Go Birds!