There Will Be Sweat

Event Date

Aug 14, 2023

Good times at Arnies, we did something similar to the following: 

Warm up lap around parking lot, warm up exercises 
Grab block-skull crusher, curl, squat, swings, chest press
Lap around lot
Partner up-farmers carry to picnic tables-other partner 10 merkins 5jump squats,
Derkins, squats, dips, lap
Skull crushed, curl, squat, swings, chest press, lap around lot
Farmers carry to pull-up bars, other partner
10 merkins 5 jump squats
Pull-ups, squats merkins
Skull crusher, curls, squats, swings, chest press lap
Pull ups, squats, merkins
Skull crushers, curls, squats, swings, chest press
Farmers carry, other partner 10 merkins 5 jump squats
Derkins, squats, dips, farmers carry other partner 10 merkins 5 jump squats
curls, put blocks back
Mary via Eeyore, Auto, and Hoodie
Auto for a sweaty sad clown standard.  Church Mouse my 2.0 represented as FNG1.  

Public service announcement for Arnies, come ready for a big boy block or restock the blocks.  We were about 50/50 big boy and regular blocks.

The pax needed a winkie preview as they liked be informed of the next three steps of the workout ahead of time and liked to overcomplicate basic instructions.  Guess that’s what happen when you tell a couple of Goat Busters to so something aside from running.  Also seems we may have had a couple of NC State engineers in the crowd.
in the end we all sweat a lot, worked hard, and had a good time.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead Tammy Faye!