#TheVern at #FKT

12 pax laced up and went hard for all 45 minutes at #FKT #TheVern.


Auto, Big Montana, and DonHo met #TheStandard for ~2 miles.



Run 1 mile

Pullups x 10 OYO
Run ~200m
Dips x 20 OYO
Run ~200m
Mericans x 25 OYO
Run ~200m
LBCs x 30 OYO
Run ~200m
Repeato x 4

Run 1 mile 

Recover recover.


  • We met FKT goal of 4+ miles, and some pax had close to 4.5 miles – pretty solid for a 45 minute workout with pain.  DonHo promised this month's Vern would be harder, so we added an extra 0.1 or 0.2 in the parking lot in order to get a full mile each way.
  • Cherry Bomb was out front all morning, leading the way to the AO at a 6:26 / mile clip and never looking back.  Auto was just behind him on both runs, including blowing by YHC at sub 6 pace at the end of the return mile.  Lego and DH out front as well, per usual.  Lotte kept up with Lego and was gassed by the end, as gassed as I've seen her.
  • Car trouble did not keep Bunyan from posting; he ran into the AO from Macaulay, and probably totaled 6-7 miles this am – strong.  Fortunately OB was able to give him a lift back.
  • Beckett clown car rolled in with Breakfast Club, Ducky, and Shrooms, all regulars at FKT now.  Hoping to see that extra seat in the truck filled by an Anchovy or Gray Ghost next time.  Great to see Caboose who is now in the neighborhood and hitting FKT regularly as well.
  • We missed regulars Popcorn (Gladiator Q), Enron (OOT), and Hoodie (up late).
  • Big Montana had to scoot early, but still got in a Standard and half Vern – nice work.
  • OB skipped the runs but made up for it with bonus burpees back at the AO.
  • Does anyone else head to the same block every time for dips?
  • Speaking of dips, we're going to stand the blocks up next time and use two instead of one, in order to get better quality dips, i.e. Vern will get a little harder yet again.
  • Cherry Bomb has the Q next week at FKT.  He's promised to meet the 4+ mile goal.
  • We lifted up OB's brother Mark (aka F3 Buzzcock) who had been hospitalized and is now home.  Thankful for Mark's health and strength, and happy to hear he is well.
  • Thanks to DonHo for the opportunity to lead this morning, and for always pushing us to do hard things.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – I'm forever grateful.
