They Came, They Saw, They Bricked

Event Date

Feb 09, 2016

Strong outing at the Quarry with 6 of Mountain Island’s finest making it out

El Tigre failed to post – although he sent an email prior to the start of workout that indicated his absence was due to his wife being ill and needing to help with the kids, Pax expects real reason to be a tanning salon session before Cacaos & Turks in order to bronze those pasty whites.  Safe Travels and Happy Golden Anniversary of Life (ree-spect).

Oktoberfest made first appearance at the Quarry this year, which was unexpected since Tuesday is typically slotted for his “day to sleep in”.

Initial Q for Natty Lite, who was not always certain of the exercise names and kept Pax on edge with changing the count on most exercises (why did we stop at 11 for a few sets?). So was definitely  making it up as we go and honestly not sure how many exercises of each of these we actually did so did not bother to capture

Disclaimer – not quite fluid in either F3 formatting or lingo, so aplogies for obvious ignorances in advance…..


  • High knees

  • Butt kicks

  • Karaoke each side

  • Side straddle hop

  • TS aka “Ha Vah Na Gela”, aka “Zorba”

  • Windmill (aka “back and forths”)

  • Cherry pickers

The Thang

Everyone grab a brick. Upon further review, these may technically not be bricks but are instead “pavers”, but bricks is a more catchy descriptor.  Run 1/5 mile to other parking lot beghind school

  • Mericans with brick (bericans) I/C

  • Squats with bricks I/C – shoulder press with bricks on every 4th count I/C

  • Side straddle hop with bricks I/C

Run around track ¼ mile – hold bricks overhead

  • Curls with bricks – 45 I/C (15 low curls (leg to arms parallel), 15 high curls (arms parallel to chest), and 15 all the way curls (leg to chest)

  • Side lunges while using bricks to do front shoulder raises – Pax “Gaydar” was tripped on this exercise. Became even more flaming with Oktoberfest recommendation that we all lunge in synchronicity. Q comment that he saw this in his wife's Jillian "Horseface" Michaels 30-day shred DVD does not garner much street cred from the Pax 

  • Walking lunges with bricks for ~40 yards

Run around track ¼ – hold bricks palms up in curl position

  • Carolina dry dock with bricks

  • Mason twist with bricks

  • WWI sit ups with bricks, and doing a chest press on decline

Run around track ¼ mile – bricks held out to the side with shoulders extended

  • Bericans with alternating lifts of arms and legs – Q really instills confidence in the Pax by asking “is this a thing?” prior to the exercise. Most of Pax needs some better coordination of hand/feet on this one (I think you are doing it wrong if both hands and legs on one side of body go up at same time)

  • Carolina dry dock with alternating lifts of arms and legs – “is this also a thing?” Apparently it’s called the Scorpion

  • Brick Dips on curb

Run back to parking lot.


Get in circle and do a “sampler platter” with each of the 6 Pax picking an exercise (with dealers choice option of bricking with exercise)

  • Oktoberfest – Can opener (or abbreviated/bastardized box cutter)

  • Arizona – berican into one handed planks with bricks on each side (nice touch)

  • Hambone – Rock climbers with bricks (went long for the burn)

  • Grip – Bridge (bricks optional)

  • Oxy – Mason twist with bringing bricks back and forth (time to make the donuts)

  • Natty – Crunches with bricks held on our ample midsection


Good times indeed. During huddle up, Natty expresses thanks for the fellowship and opportunity to Q. Not a dry eye to be found in the parking lot after that one. 

Pax won’t like this, but for the next Natty Q, we will have heavier bricks…..