“They” were wrong and NightRanger answers the bell

What bell you ask?   Thank you for asking – the  question was – can YHC bring enough toys and exercies and planning to accomodate THEE most lit workout in LKN – #nightranger.   Follow up – Can the PAX keep on track and handle complicated instructions to follow color coded exercise groups and 2 minutes of work with one minute off?


With all due respect to the overly marketed AM workouts, NIGHTRANGER and DPK may be THEE finest workout in all of F3 LKN. 

Editor's note: I will update the attendees tomorrow with names as I already turned my phone off. 

  • FNG-1 is the newly named Big Foot
  • FNG-2 is El Jefe
  • FNG-3 is PB&J

Warm O'Rama

I walked various pax through the work out beforehand.  The toys were out and timing was complex due to the number of attendees. Then we circled up at go time:

  1. SSH X12 IC 
  2. Slow 'Merican X6 IC

The Main Thang

Stations were set up in groups of 4.  The Tabata Timer was set up for 30 seconds on, 8 seconds off and then 1 minute off after 4 cycles.  Each team was set up to repeat ther 4 exerices 2 times before rotating. 

Workstation 1

  1. Ropes
  2. Cinder Shoulder Press
  3. Cone – single leg, same arm touch
  4. 20 lbs ruck plank

Workstation 2

  1. 30Lbs Wall toss
  2. Cinder Curl
  3. 2 Cone Green Band shuffle
  4. VUP – 20 lbs. body ball

Workstation 3

  1. 40 lbs Side2Side slams
  2. Cinder shoulder 2 shoulder
  3. 2 Cone Ohno – Captain
  4. KB ‘Merican Pull Cross

Workstation 4

  1. 50 lbs slam ball over shoulder
  2. Cinder chest press
  3. Black banded lunges
  4. Bosu ball plank

Workstation 5

  1. TRX Back pull
  2. Cinder Lawn Mower
  3. Lg Green Band over shoulder squats
  4. Jump Rope

When the 2 rounds were complete we still had 10 plus minutes left.  YHC meant to have eveyone do 3 rounds in place.  So it was time to improvise.  So lets head to cooler air and put the conder blocks away. 

Team up into 3 person teams –

  1. Partner 1 does a 1 handed farmer carry which has some ridiculous name down one flight
  2. Partner 2 and 3 run down tow flights and meets partner 1 at the ramp.
  3. Flap jack, repeato all the way down
  4. Put the blocks away

Cripes…there are still 12 minutes left and we are all spent.  YHC spied Carpet Bagger pressing his back against the wall to cool off and was inspired….

6 Minutes of Mary

  1. Peoples chair
  2. Add Touch Dem Heals X10 IC
  3. Add Land the Plane X10 IC
  4. Shake 'em out
  5. Back to Peoples Chair
  6. Seal claps X10 IC
  7. Mosey up to the roof – take the stairs if you are overheated. 

Double crap-a-mole.  I can't breathe and everyone hustled to where they stashed beer. So now we have 3 minutes left.  

  1. Some light shoulder stretches
  2. Some light hammy stretches
  3. Some quad and glute stretches

Recover, Recover

The Neeked Man Moleskin

  • No one has kept a ruck sack on for the whole workout at my workouts – but Turnpike tried.  Man he looked great for saying he was slacking
  • Pitstop, Crocs, and Camelback when for a standard.   That was foolish.  It was hot and humid. 
  • Props to Camelback for wearing Hough gear despite his Hopewell background – playing up to the Q is always encouraged. 
  • The HEAT got everyone by the end of the workout. Even Carpetbagger was fried at the end. 
  • Despite some grumbling, everyone seems to enoy the Tabata workout and toys.
  • Everyone wore gloves, sanitizer was available.
    • Side note – in a heated discussion after the workout, butt plugs may have been suggested as the next step in Gov Cooper's fight againt COVID19
  • Viral loads were deeply discussed and debated during beers
  • Uncle Maddio's provided the pizza. Camelback disappeared for Sushi as always.  
  • Jenny gave me the look when I called for a second round of People's Chair.  That always feels like a small victory
  • Sunshine absolutely kills the workouts.  Quietly. 
  • 9 lives has some impressive Jump Rope skills.   Even my trash talking didn't stop him from a 'cat-like leap' and 3 rotations of the rope while in the air. 
  • PB&J leisurely sauntered by me – the kid can run
  • Swanson brought in his 15 millionth recruit – I need to do better and be more like Swanson
  • Freedom was still sweating 15 minutes after the workout – that's a huge victory 
  • Mr Hand is a bad ass.  Fight me!
  • Burning Bush is an incredible worker and funny as shit.  Pay attention to him when he is busting chops. 
  • Speaking of – Bush and El Jefe left to hang with a wine connossi  dude Good luck in Davidson boys
  • Poor BigFoot – he has now stepped into two of my workouts and absolutely earned the right to his name.   The dude keeps working despite how difficult the workout was. 
  • El Jefe had to sit a round out.   I was sure he was going to Merlot but held it together with some light spitting.