29 mighty PAX conquered the fart sack and showed up for the main event at the Hollywood Studios.

War Daddy – Oyster  War Baby – Rambo

2 FNG namings – Yoda – FKA Luke Smith and Peddler – FKA Greg Cooper

Yoda – not yet listed on the website – but to his credit (and because I was slack in my BB dutires) Peddler beat me to the punch and registered on the website prior to the backblast.  Nice Work.

Following Calypso's running workout last week, which had several Hollywood regulars looking for alternate AOs, the numbers were back at Hollywood.  

We moseyed to the warm-up, Titan sprang out of the shadows – and we were off…..



15 Windmills IC


15 Donkey Kicks IC 

15 Squats IC

15 Mericans IC

Mosey to the wall at Dick's

People's Chair – with 20 Air Press IC

Dicks to the Dick's – with Zero Air Presses

People's Chair – with 10 Air Press IC

Partner Up for Ramp Work

Size does not matter – but try and find a partner who you might enjoy a nice matinee with

Partner 1 Run the ramp and stairs

Partner 2 AMRAP Squats


Repeato with Mericans, Repeato with LBCs

Line up at the bottom of the ramp

10 Broad Jumps up the Ramp – jog the rest of the way up

At the top – 5 –  8-count Body Builders [Thus began the grumbling from Outlaw]

Run across the deck and down the stairs

Repeato – 20 Broad Jumps and 5 8-Count BBs

Repeato – 10 Broad Jumps and 10 8-Count BBs 

Head to the street and lunge walk towards the front of the theatre

Mosey to the rock pile

Gather at the parking lot at the top of the hill

Low Curls/High Curls/Full Curls – x 5 IC

Overhead Press x 10 IC

Low Curls/High Curls/Full Curls – x 7 IC

Overhead Press x 10 IC

Low Curls/High Curls/Full Curls – x 7 IC

Return your rock to the collection area on the Banks of Lake Hippie

Head towards home and meet up on the street

Bama's Sprint to Pure Barre

Joggy Jog the rest of the way home

Sorry MARY – this will be quick (but at least it won't feel good)

Dying Cockroach x 20 IC


Big Screen Moleskin

– I had a lot of fun with this crew.  Good amount of chatter and good amount of work.

– Great to see our circle always expanding – welcome Yoda and Peddler

– The Birkdale Clown Car is actively searching e-bay for a used school bus.  Peddler adds another to their growing numbers.

– The mumblechatter Oscar goes to – – – – it's a tie – Titan and Outlaw.  Too close to call.  We'll be in the mountains next weekend.  Certainly looking forward to the 2nd F.

– Rambo is a gloom regular – even now that school has started.  That is really strong work.  You are an example to us all – not just other 2.0's.

– We need Q's at Hollywood.  9/21 and 9/28 are both open.  Sign up on the calendar – or send me a tweet.

– Upcoming Q's – 9/7 – The Original Clown Car. 9/14 – Gnarly Goat premiers Jug-a-lug at Hollywood.  [Programming note for Jug-a-lug newbies – the work-out is done entirely with 2 full gallon jugs – BYOJ.  Start saving milk gallons – fill them with water and tape them up tight.  Bring extras to share.  You won't be dissapointed.]

– In COT we lifted up a friend of Oyster who lost a son recently at 25.  Pray for them and all that need God's grace.

– It's a honor and privilege to be counted as your brother.
