Things just got Weird

Warm O Rama:10 Windmill – got to 5, Jockstrap said “slow it down” 10 Cotton Picker – correction, Tennessee style Cotton Picker no clap but as you go up stretch your back, per The Force. Weird. 15 SSH, YHC yelled DROP!HOLD plank position to 10 Mountain Climber.10 OYO Burpee Clap, not Australian Burpee. That’s fake news. YHC brought two tires and two Sledgehammers The Thang:each pax did 10 Sledgehammer Swing on tires while other pax didKB Lunge walk20 KB Swing10 KB Goblet Squat 10 KB Skull Crusher 20 KB Chest Press/Low Flutter 15 KB Upright Row Partner UpFirst partner did 10 tire flip Other partners did P1 10 Bent Row OverP2 AlGore – it got weird when Blackbeard doing, I’m not gonna say it. P1 15 two KB SquatP2 Hold Plank Position P1 KB Farmers CarryP2 AMRAP DipP1 10 two KB Shoulder Press P2 Monkey Humper Back to our own KB15 Full Curl15 Skull Crusher 10 each KB Merkin15 Low Curl15 High Curl10 each Incline Lawnmower 10 each Decline Lawnmower 10 each One Arm Shoulder Press Back to partner upP1 two KB Frog Hop P2 Bear CrawlFlap jackMary:KB V-UP for 1 minuteMoleskine:I was planning to bring three tires but unfortunately 3 tires can’t fit inside my M’s SUVTheForce and Blackbeard are the perfect partner bromance. They work so well when it comes to AlGore and Monkey Humper. Just saying.I’m so happy to see Jockstrap/Lighthouse. It’s great to have you back. I basically gave him a welcome hug and fistbump. Tclaps to TheForce for coming to TheCauldron. He came back late last night from Tennessee and he still managed to post and showed us how TN crew execute Cotton Picker.Mona Lisa sorry to disappoint you about my non-normal workout. Wait, everything was normal except when BB doing AlGore.The Count brought his own Safety helmet. Nice work!Amen, I apologize for skipping JLo. Next time we can do JLo and I may introduce you to Shakira.Knockout, Huckleberry, 66, Mona Lisa, Jockstrapand Funky Town great job swinging sledgehammers. The Count as always I thank you for EHing me 4 years ago. That’s right folks, next week is my F3 4years Anniversary. Great work by all.I have da Q Gladiator 5/15, Hollywood 5/16, Fission 5/17Like Scrappy said, Titannnnnnnnnnnnn!
