Things Were Electric at Mad Scientist

What an awesome showing this morning. And eqaully impressive were those who showed for the Standard. I don't think, however, they took into consideration how "Electric" the beatdown was going to be. But in F3 fashion, not only did they kick the Standard they kicked the heck out of the workout. I thought it was a beatdown but the PAX were standing strong.

Here's what we did:


Mosey to 2nd floor of parking garage / SSH / IST / Wood Chooper + Back Stretch / Mountain Climber / 10x IC Merkins


10x Cliff Hanger Pullups

Mosey down to Basement and grab a Block

Partner Up

Bear Crawl 50 yards (Partner 1) / Farmer Carry 100 Yards (Partner 2) FLAPJACK

10x IC Curl

10x IC Pullover / V-Up

10x IC Slow Squat

15x IC Chest Press with Flutter Kick

REPEATO —–> Mosey back to the 2nd Floor for Pullups and 10x IC Dips


Crab Walk 50 yards (Partner 1) / Zamperini 100 Yards (Partner 2) FLAPJACK

10x IC Skull Crushers

10x IC Mason Twists w/ Block

5x IC Off Set Merkins (Left / Right)

10x IC Heals to Heaven

10x IC Skull Crushers

10x IC Mason Twists w/ Block

5x IC Off Set Merkins (Left / Right)

10x IC Heals to Heaven



Jimmy O thank you for the opportunity to Q at MadScientist.

And PAX thank you for indulging me in this rediculous workout; I hope you got everything you wanted out of it and then sum.

Please remeber F3 Mental Battle month is all of March and F3 Mental Battle day is March 27th. On that day, the PAX are being called to perform exercises in relation to statitics related to mens mental health. For example, 9% of men in the United States have daily feelings of depression or anxiety. Using the number 9, the PAX will do 9x Turkish Getups etc.

You can read more about F3 Mental Battle Day here:
