Alternative WO Name: Saved By The Bell
As usual for Mighty Jungle, a work-out full of mumble chatter. Not so usual was the kind of vibe that could get scrappy Kavenaughed.
Light turn-out. Either based on the 5K, my blatant block warning, or the fact that anytime a GCC Guy Q’s the regulars go elsewhere.
So cool to see my burpee grasshopper Contra make the trip down.
- SSH x 20
- carrot pullers x 10
- toy soldiers x 10
- runners stretch into Peter Parker x 10
- mericans x 5
Grab blocks for blocky-go-round:
4 corners with exercise stacking. Slow mosey blocks up and down. Zamperiny across. PAX must keep contact with block at all time or 10 burpee penalty (offenders Titan and YHC)
round 1:
1. 5 blocky
2. Add 10 Mericans (cadence)
3. Add 10 curls (cadence)
4. Add 15 squat press
20 LBC and airborne mind bender for weinke check
round 2:
1. 5 blockys
2. 10 derkins (cadence)
3. 10 skull crushers (cadence)
4. 15 bent over row (cadence)
20 LBC
mosy to far end of parking lot for blockycides:
- slow mosey block half way and do 6 blockys.
- Run back to beginning and back to block
- slow mosey block to the end and 12 blockys
- run back to beginning and finish back at the blocks.
Partner up for partner curls:
10 to 1 passing brick back and forth to partner. Partner not doing curls does squats.
sprint to cars for Mary:
- 2 go along with the theme of the day B lackbeard calls Jane Fonda’s.
- I close out appropriately with hip thruster and barely got two done before bell rang.
- great to see the honorable Scrappy show up! I hope nobody had a recorder going.
- Bunch of rule followers with Lots of mumble chatter about the slow mosey with the blocks.
- Bouncy House is a beast.
- I need to watch football or go hunting after that work-out…
- YHC breaks his own rule and let’s go of rock.
- Grea job everyone
- Thank you Blackbeard for allowing me.